Whisker Biscuit


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Re: Whisker Biscuit

When you say snug, how tight is it? When you look at the arrow going through the rest, you should be able to see a small amount of light around the shaft except where it lays on the biscut. I also shoot 2314's out of my Q2 and can see the light around the shaft. This rest works very good for hunting.

You can spread the biscut by pulling on it in order to make it wider but be very careful if you do this as to not break the rest. As stated above there are two biscuts, one for carbon and onr for Aluminum. Make sure you have the proper biscut.

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Re: Whisker Biscuit

I shoot a carbon WB with my easton epics, great rests and is letting me shoot the best groups ever. As for tearing fletchings it is a little bit so i got ALL of them shot and unshot refletched and just put a little extra glue on the **** feather and poof no more problems. Just make sure you turn your **** feather up now.

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Re: Whisker Biscuit



Youz gots the skinny on those Antis but man youz gotz to learn up on the biscut... LOL

[/ QUOTE ]

LMBO!!!!!!! Yeah well what do you expect! The last time I shot an arrow, it was made of WOOD!!!!!! But I will say this I AM SO FIRED UP THAT THIS WILL KILL ME WAITING FOR NEXT ARCHERY SEASON!!!


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