Fruit trees


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For those of you who are adding a few fruit trees to your food plots, what are you doing to deer-proof them while they are getting established? A bunch of years ago, I planted some trees that the local bucks figured I had put there as rubbing posts. Also, i know that if you cannot protect the buds from the deer, you won't get much of a yield.


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Re: Fruit trees

I've used drain tile cut down the middle and put on the trees. Deer don't like the noise or feel I don't think.

As far as buds, not much you can do except spray some type of repellent, but for the most part, they can't reach all of the buds so you win some, you lose some there.

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Guest anderson3

Re: Fruit trees

It is a real pain putting fences around fruit trees, but I think it is necessary. The deer can leave the trees alone for almost a whole year, then wipe out a year's growth in one night. I use welded wire mesh cages at least 3' across. Bigger is better so they can't reach in.

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Re: Fruit trees

Yep fence them off.

They eat more then the buds I have found out.

I have a couple wild apple trees I was trying to prune back and get production out of and it seemed that once I improved things for the 2 trees the deer when bazerk on everything they could reach... Leave and even stems as well as the buds.

When they find something they like its gone quickly...

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