What kind of bird is this? Crane? Blue Heron?


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Put 2 cameras back out to try to get another picture of that bear and this is all we got along with 3 deer and a bunch of college kids messing with the camera. Kinda strange being that they were out for 12 days on a 10 second delay.

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Guest Andrea

Re: What kind of bird is this? Crane? Blue Heron?

Blue Heron. They're all over the river down here. Will scare you at night. Their screech is pretty spooky if you ride up on one and they take off.

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Re: What kind of bird is this? Crane? Blue Heron?

Yep, blue heron. Got a lot of them around here, see them flying over the house from the river bottom usually a couple times a day. Also see some white herons from time to time.

Have also learned that when they flyover and make this squawking noise, if there are any gobblers around, they will usually gobble.

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