Box of ammo question

Guest hookedonhunting

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Guest hookedonhunting

Last year i bought a box of hornady 17 mach2 ammo that had "First Production Run" Stamped on it.

I have left that box unopened. I was wondering if i should save the box or go ahead and fire them?


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Re: Box of ammo question

hey, hang on to it, go buy some new stuff. you never know about collectibles. and tross it on ebay. talk it up as "OMG!!! FIRST PRODUCTION RUN STAMPED BOX!!!!1!!1!!one!!" i'm exaggerating about that of course, but really, talk it up and put a $100 price tag on it. people buy all kinds of crap off there for more than they should. maybe somebody will think it's a collectors piece and snatch it up. worst case scenario, you lose .30 on an auction, but what if it sells...?

like a lot of people have said, hey, it's a box of ammo, big deal. it will probably do nothing. but think about 30 years ago, children's toys weren't anything special either, now they're worth a fortune

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