crazy doe stalked me


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Re: crazy doe stalked me



Lol you know horst in Iowa if you woulda shot that deer and never touched her its perfectly legal because you never harvested that deer our DNR officer said we could shoot all the deer we wanted just couldn't touch em ... lol she need too be shot ... lol anyhow you get my point lol its all good thats part of what makes hunting fun when stuff like that happens good luck with your buck and yeah they are still running the does real good this week I'm still excited about thanksgiving morning

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What kind of crap is this coming from another hunter. Since when is it legal to shoot deer and let them lay. We are hunters, not shooters looking for some live target practice in the field just to get our Joly's.

It's been a while since I seen crap like this posted in this forum.

This forum is about helping each other become more responsible hunters not this crap.

The minute you shoot an animal and it drops, you have harvested that animal, whether you touch it or not...who are you trying to kid and what kind of example are you trying to set for others in here. You should be ashamed at posting such garbage as this.

Man...I've heard it all now.

Disgusted mad.gif

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Let me start by saying first, that I apologize for jumping all over your first post. The only reason I did, is because you made no mention of killing deer needlessly as a management tool used only by farmers. You made it sound like it was legal for anyone (hunter) to shoot a deer and let it lay.


Lol you know horst in Iowa if you woulda shot that deer and never touched her its perfectly legal because you never harvested that deer

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I still find it hard to believe that it is legal for farmers to do this sort of thing down there or anywhere.

I understand that farmers have certain rights to protect their crops etc, but around here, even farmers who have trouble wildlife populations, must obtain permits to get rid of the animals and the animals in turn are turned over to the food bank. Bears however are not accepted by the food banks and if a farmer gets the permit required to rid himself of a troublesome bear, then he doesn't just let it lay where it falls, but buries it. In most cases a farmer will allow hunters with there own tags to come in and deal with the wildlife, which saves the farmer from having to take time out to take care of troublesome animals and the animals don't go to waste, since they are covered by a legal hunter's tags.

This saves the farmer from having to obtain permits, hunt down the animals, dress deer etc , for the food bank, or bury any troublesome animals. A farmer is usually too busy to deal with this sort of thing. I don't know too many farmers around here who would like the idea of dear or bear carcases laying to rot in their fields, and the DNR wouldn't be too happy about it either.

Again, if this is a legal practice by farmers down around where you live, then I sincerely apologize for jumping all over you in my first post. I do wish you had of been a bit more specific in your first post, when you suggested that Horst shoot the doe and let it lay. You kind of put your own foot in your mouth with your first post by making it sound like it was something legally practiced by hunters not farmers.

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