Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

Guest Jeremiah_Johnson

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Guest Jeremiah_Johnson

My church has an outdoors class. The outings are a big success, but class attendance is low. We're an all male class and the current structure is some hands-on outdoors training with biblical application.

Let me know - what works for you and what does not work. Any lessons learned?


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Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

Well, I just graduated from a Christian college with a degree in outdoor education and I had lots of outdoor classes so maybe I can help you. What types of hand-on-activities are you offering? What do you want to see in the program aka more participation, all males or females to? When is the class offered?

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Guest Jeremiah_Johnson

Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

Thanks Turkeygirl, I'll try to give some more info.

By your handle I take it you are a girl (sure hope so). The "all male" part of the class was the idea of the other co-leader of the class. I've tried to make a case for co-ed, but to no avail - maybe you could address that issue for one - pros, cons, history - whatever you've learned in your research.

The types of hands on: We've had a sporting clays outing where we taught basic firearms safety and proper technique for shooting clays. We've had an archery instruction outing and 3d shoot - in class we went over the fundamentals of archery shooting and safety. We're just wrapping up a "fishers of men" series where we taught knot tying, flipping techniques, etc. and have linked it to an application study of the Romans road to salvation - winning out outdoors friends to Christ.

The class is during the middle hour of our church's Sunday morning. Classes are offered during the three services: 8:00am - 9:00am; 9:30am - 10:30am; and 11:00am to 12:00am. Therefore our class meets at 9:00am for conversation, hands-on stuff from 9:30 to 10:00 and bible study from 10:00 to 10:30. Outings are usually the third Saturday of every other month, but we have special off-sites too - like this Sunday is the "fishers of men" Crappie tournament and we'll have devotion on the boat ramp and then the tournament.

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Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

Are you targeting a certain age group? If so, you might need to tailor your curriculum to fit them a bit better. The sporting clays, archery and fishing stuff sound good for mid-teens or over, but if you're trying to attract a younger group you might want to think more along the lines of a campout, how to build a fire, shelter making, etc. Boyscout type stuff.

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Guest Jeremiah_Johnson

Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

This is primarily an adult class, but kids come along on the outings. In fact an 11-year old and a 12-year old (my boy) put us all to shame on the Annie Oakly line during the clay shoot.

Fathers bring sons and daughters on outings (which are co-ed); just the class is male only.

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Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

Wow, sounds like a fun class; I'd take it,lol! Well one issue may be the people come for the services and afterwards, after spending time at the service, don't want to go to a class, or mayeb they don't want to miss a service. Umm...I'd definitely think you'd maybe have a better turn-out if it wasn't male specific, see if any females would be interested. Maybe alot of people do not know about the class; maybe you could put some flyers out around town and nearby towns advertising the class which also works as a good way to bring more people to the church, to the class, and ultimately Christ:) Another though I had was maybe trying to offer the class during a weekday evening, because maybe alot of families want t spend time togetehr during the weekends, and only having males in the class means they have to chose either class or family. It sounds like you have some good classes to offer though! You may want to offer more than just hunting related, maybe canoe/camping/hiking trips, maybe a once a year trip somewhere out of town, the possiblities are endless! I hope this helps, just some of my ideas. I'll let youk now if I have any suggestions and feel free to pm me with any questions!

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Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

I know that sometimes churches look at the mingling of men and women as distracting but in this case it might bring families together and turn your church into a family outdoors class where kids and parents alike share fellowship and the spirit of the Lord while learning and participating. What about the children who don't have a father around and the mother feels unwelcome. That's not a very Christian thing to do. Excluding another from fellowship.

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Guest Jeremiah_Johnson

Re: Outdoors Class - Feedback Please

Sounds like, if I'm hearing clearly, co-ed, laid-back, kind of open-ended with kid-friendly and couple-friendly devotions and outings.

I'm in a leadership meeting tonight and I'll take your input to the meeting with me. You've confirmed what I've been trying to say.

Thanks very much!

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