how much are sheds worth?


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Re: how much are sheds worth?

Right now in my neck of the woods, a local buyer is paying $6.00 per pound for fresh brown antlers and a bit less for white ones. Of course he pays a little more for really big antlers. You can get more by selling on ebay, but is it worth the hassle - especially trying to box up big elk or moose antlers.

I have sold antlers a few times in my life to help finance various purchases. The first time I sold antlers I made enough to buy my youngins a very nice swing set - which has gotten thousands of hours of use and enjoyment.....made selling the antlers well worth it. I'm actually going to sell a few antlers tonight to generate the last $200 I need to buy my son his first hunting rifle....again, a very good reason to sell. If I were wealthy I would never sell, but I'm not and so the antlers help me with very special purchases.

I always keep ahold of the biggest and best sheds, and would never sell a rack from an animal I harvested.

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Guest upAcreek

Re: how much are sheds worth?

The Boy Scouts made over $76,000 Saturday at the annual Elk Antler Auction in Jackson. They had around 7,000 pounds of antlers.

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Re: how much are sheds worth?

After 5 years of hard shed huntin' I decided to seel mine this year. I had about 1000 square feet of space in my quanset occupied by nothing but sheds in a pile. I had a friend of mine take mine when he went to sell the sheds from his elk farm. I got between 6 and 9 dollard a pound. I was happy with the sale. I'm planning on starting another similar pile and doing the same thing again in a year or two.

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