First fawn


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Re: First fawn

Was cutting hay today and now they're all over. smile.gif

Hit 2 with the discbine though. frown.gif When they're that young, you can't see them hiding in the hay and they won't jump out of the way when they hear the tractor coming. I have no idea I even hit them until the next round. frown.gif

Sometimes I'll see a doe hanging out then I get out and look for the fawn and push it out of the way, or just don't cut the area at all.

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Re: First fawn

I went out turkey hunting over the weekend, seen some does but no fawns yet. Had a buck bed down about 75 yards away, he was sunning himself about 50 yards from where I hang my bow stand. Let's just say I backtracked out of there and let him be. Hope he's still there come October!!

No fawns yet but hoping to see some some!

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