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So how many of you ever had to have braces and then a retainer after you got your braces off? Both my sister and I had braces, then after our braces were taken off, they glued a piece of wire on the back of our lower teeth and then we wore a regular retainer. I thought of this because my mom called our orthodontist to get a check-up and told the receptionist that last year the dr. said we might get the wire taken off this year. So I guess she looked at the charts and my sister's chart said her teeth were excellent andm ine were good, she she has a better chance of getting the wire off. I don't know why, but it annoys me a bit. I'm way ready to get rid of this stupid wire and I've worn this retainer every night for the past couple years. Just makes me feel like I have bad teeth or something. Ok, well just had to vent tongue.gif

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Re: Braces


Never did have braces. Looks like at least 3 of my kids will need them though. crazy.gif

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Yep, im probably in the same boat. I know she is only 7-months old but my teeth arent so hot. My wife had perfect teeth, with no braces, until her wisdom teeth came in. Then it crowded the rest.

Im afraid our kids will need them at some point....

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Re: Braces

I had braces for 5 years through junior high and high school. After I got them off I had two choices. Either surgery to remove some extra skin on my upper roof of my mouth or a permanent wire that I will wear for the rest of my life basically that is on the back of my teeth. Unlike the braces I'm not restricted on what I can eat while wearing the wire, so I went with the wire. I can't tell its there. Nobody can tell it's there unless you're my dentist with a mirror to see the wire. I have one across the back of four my front top teeth and one across the back of 6 of my front bottom teeth. I also wore a top retainer for 1 year after the braces were removed then I didn't have to wear it anymore.

Now two of my bottom wisdom teeth are coming in and have to be removed here this year and one on the top is non-existant, the other is impacted in the bone. crazy.gif Not looking forward to their removal surgery.

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Re: Braces

Had retainers first here, then braces for about 3 years total, then retainers again. Had really nice straight teeth and wore the retainers at night regularly, until one day while I was off to school, one of our dogs ate one of them. When my wisdom teeth cam in I was supposed to have them pulled and never did, so my teeth are a little crooked again now.

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Re: Braces

Yep! I've been there and done that. You must have a better orthodontist than I did. After they told me that I didn't have to wear the retainer anymore, I creamated( burned my retainer) haha! Unfortunately I still have the wire on the back of my lower teeth, after 20 years!!!

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