Gone for a while


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I will not be in much over the next couple weeks. I will be on travel to New Mexico. While at work I may pop in here and there but while I am off of work, I will be looking for a house. So, don't expect any long detailed answers from me for the next 2 weeks.

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Re: Gone for a while


So you are moving to Las Crues ? CB

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Yep! Like I said, Denver would have been my first choice, but its dead for my company right now. I have a great oppertunity in LC so I jumped on it. Who knows, I may like it and stay there for good. If not, I can go to Denver in a few years when things pick up.

Well, I ma off to the airport to fly out.

Have fun!

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Re: Gone for a while

I'm back in the Old Dominion...for a month. Yep, I like it in the Southwest and plan to stay for a while. I have a contract on a house, and start work in the Land of Enchantment on July 3rd. Woo Hoo!

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Re: Gone for a while


Boy.........it's a loooooong ride back to St. Marys from NM. grin.gif

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It sure is, but I will probably never set foot in St. Mary's again. Other than being the town I grew up in, there is nothing there for me now. I visited my family in Clearfield yesterday and it will be a long time before I return to PA. I forgot how much I dislike that state. I remembered why this was created:


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Re: Gone for a while

Thanks Bud. I fly to NM early July. I will be back on the 28th to get the truck, dog, and wife and drive to Las Cruces, NM. I will still be in the forums on occasion. I will have my household stuff delivered to my new house early August. So from early July to mid august, my participation will be limited.

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