Realtree Roadtrips

Guest Roadtripin

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Guest Roadtripin

Thanks for the feed back on the idea of going 52 weeks with Roadtrips.

You guys have passed on some great advice for the Team. This would require a little more travel and we dont want to wear our family out. I have a honey do list that is pretty big right now if you know what I mean... more hunting would certainly add to that list..

We thought about doing some cool blue collar stuff with high entertainment, beaver hunting, hogs, bowfishing etc... We will also try to bring some more high adventure typed stuff like Alaska, Africa and some dangerous game bowhuntng.. We want to share all there is to hunt our there.

The sky is the limit! We want to give you guys what you want... Lets go bustem!

Lacrosse says it best in the new ads...

"The only excuss for serving meat should be if it is overdone"

All my best from the Realtree Crew!

Michael Waddell :grin wink.gif

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Re: Realtree Roadtrips

I know what you mean by the "honeydo" list! I figured it out many years ago and the first slip I put it in was "Throw out the honeydo list"!! Haven't had any problem since! grin.gif

Good luck on whatever the next venture is and thanks for sharing the info! cool.gif

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Re: Realtree Roadtrips


Sounds great Michael. Hope you can find the time to continue to drop in here occasionally too.

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No doubt!It's nice to see the Realtree Pros on here!

Maybee if you go to 52 weeks you will need to add to the pro-staff to give you guys a little break. wink.gif

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Re: Realtree Roadtrips

Id love to see some "Blue Collar" or "Redneck Quality" hunts! Hog hunting and bowfishing would both be great. I wouldnt mind seeing some yotes and or varmit hunts.



Sounds great Michael. Hope you can find the time to continue to drop in here occasionally too.

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No doubt!It's nice to see the Realtree Pros on here!

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Im telling ya! I agree 100%. You can only add to the quality of these forums and thats saying a lot!

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Guest PAdeerdreamer

Re: Realtree Roadtrips

I have to agree with Mirage on Africa.But Alaska is a different story.Spot and stalk bears on the coast.Just thrills and chills.As far as the Africa thing just go to Texas.Much closer to home.

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Guest UltraTec360

Re: Realtree Roadtrips

Mike, yer not goin soft on us, are ya?? grin.gif

Hey, if Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy! Never a more true statement has been said.

I wouldn't do the 52 week thing either. Not only would you and the crew burn out, it would lose alot of it's entertainment value. There's a lot to do and shoot out there, to be sure, but there's only so much time in a day. As much as I love the show, (I have to buy the dvd, don't get The Outdoor Channel... mad.gif) I really think you'd start to drop off some. It's darn hard to keep things fresh and fun if you do it 365 days a year. A man's gotta recharge his batteries, if you know what I mean.

I am a bowhunting fanatic, so the more the better. But you can't leave out the rest of the crowd, so keep up the great work. Personally, I would love to see you centerpunch some small game w/ the UltraTec. You know, rabbits, squirrels, quail, pheasants and such. That could be fun to watch.

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