? about Sighting in Rifle


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Re: ? about Sighting in Rifle

Not sure on the cal. and bullet grain your shooting...but since your bullet will rise and fall and you line of sight is straight, your bullet will cross the LOS twice. Its very posible that zeroed at 100 yards will also be zeroed at 50 yards.

This post should be moved to the rifle room and with a little more info....AJ could give you the answer your looking for. wink.gif

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Re: ? about Sighting in Rifle

My chart shows that 30-30 round nose 150 gr. soft point core-lokt is 0.5 high at 50 yards if zeroed in at 100. If zeroed at 100 it will be -2.7" at 150 yds. -8.2" at 200 yds. -17.0" at 250 yds. and -30.0" at 300 yds. all with a 24" barrel. Barrel lengths will figure into the equation as well. .....popgun

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Re: ? about Sighting in Rifle

I might sight the rifle in to be "ever so slightly low" at 100 yds.

The closer you are under 50yds the less significant the drop/rise. I shoot a .54 ML sighted in at 70 yds. I know there is a 1.5" drop at 90yds and I'm 1.5" high at 50yds. At distances under 30 yds I'm right on again.

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Re: ? about Sighting in Rifle

Unless you are trying to hit a flea at fifty yards I wouldn't give it much thought. Most rifles sighted in for a 100 yard zero, using a scope with the cross hairs 1 inch above the center of the bore, results in the bullet crossing the line of sight at approximately 25 yards and the mid range trajectory is approximately 1/2 inch above the line of sight. A very large scope or a see through mount may result in a different scenario (bullet may first cross line of sight at 100 yards) but I doubt the deer will feel the difference.

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Re: ? about Sighting in Rifle


A very large scope or a see through mount may result in a different scenario (bullet may first cross line of sight at 100 yards) but I doubt the deer will feel the difference.

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I believe that scope would have to be very high (10+ inches) for the bullet to cross the LOS at 100yds. the first time. wink.gif

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Re: ? about Sighting in Rifle

Snapper, while I'm not sure as I have not tested it but sinse most rifles have a trajectory that rises and falls less than a couple of inches out to 100 yards I would think any setup with the crosshairs more than 2 inches above the center of the bore would result in the bullet not crossing the line of site before reaching 100 yards. Never really thought much about it before but now I wonder if anyone knows of any testing done along these lines or if they have experimented themselves. Again, I doubt the deer would feel the difference either way. One thing I do know is that there are hunters who use the dead on at 25 yards is dead on at 100 yard theory and that does not work in all instances.

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