The Mirror Effect....


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I don’t claim to know it all. In all honesty I’m not trying to come off as a “Know it all.” I’m not looking for the Digital pat on the back or an “Atta-boy.” I’m just noticing things changing in front of our faces and no one lobbying to do anything about it. At the very least I hope this rouses a few to thought. Society is on a sharp downhill slope. Things that once were considered perversion, sickness, and weren’t tolerated by society are now mainstream and readily available to any group. We have men meeting in public places for illicit affairs with women and even other men. This isn’t a boundary set only to the Male gender. I read a while back that Women have even surpassed men in percentage of cheating on their spouses.

Children are dieing of Drug overdoses. School shootings, for the first time in history, are no longer unimaginable even in your home town. A murder on the nightly news doesn’t catch the ear as it use to. People are slaughtered for Cash, Credit Cards, and anything that can be sold no matter the Race, Gender, or age. Child abductions are on an all time high and local news channels are running bits of how your children could protect themselves. Politicians are on the take, as some have always been, but have no reason to hide it. They remain unpunished and it is often overlooked. People are losing hard earned retirements because a select few feel the need to live “Larger then life.”

Teens are no longer content Drinking but have started using Meth, “X”, Cocaine, and God knows what else. You can easily find pics of teenage girls in little to no clothing all over the internet. Is this the product of some child stalking sick’o, nope. It’s the product of teenage girls needing to fit into the sickness that has become mainstream. Parties have grown to sickening levels to include “Shower” Parties where kids gather to drink and shower, Strip Twister (pretty self explanatory), and “Panty parties” where kids show in their underwear. Even in my small local home town kids have what they call, “Friends with Benefits.” The need to wait, the issue of spreading disease, and teenage pregnancy is no longer even considered. Kids are having multiple partners by the time they are in their mid teens. One local trend was that high school girls have Girlfriends and boyfriends and then they dub themselves “Bi-Sexual.” It is/ was widely noted, accepted, and considered cool. Most parents remain oblivious.

It all sounds made up from the relatively dull childhood we were brought up in. Remember that kid that died from drunk driving in high school? I do. I think we all had one. It was hard hitting and I still think about it Years and Years later. Now kids think the way to solve problems is to tote a gun to school and mow down other kids. Where is the value of life? Where is the instinct that tells them, “There is no coming back?” You know we all poses that. You wouldn’t purposely walk up and poke some ones eye out! That’s permanent damage! These kids are doing much worse, they are taking lives as if it’s nothing more then stealing lunch money! Getting a black eye is no longer an issue. A few years back a kid in SE Oklahoma took a knife on a school bus and Killed another kid that had been picking on him. Where is he now? He lives in Kansas and is free. Politicians and lawyers have managed to take recourse of even Murder out of the Equation. Where was this kids values? Why was he so able to overlook the innate right from wrong that we all carry deep in our gut?

It’s easy to turn a blind eye to these events, especially if you think they will never hit close to home. What makes you think you are safe? Ignoring the problem had never been a successful way to rectification. With each passing generation society as a whole seems to accept more and more. Value, Morality, Respect, Dignity, Self Worth, Honor, and Goodness are merely words in a dictionary. Many lives are lived with a very liberal attitude. I see it in my own family! I have a 16 year old niece who is a great kid but I see what she is involved in, the way she dresses, and the way she carries herself in society every day. Honestly, it makes me cringe. Girls consider themselves Diva’s. Mothers and Fathers let their daughters run around in clothing that prompts grown men to look at 14 year old girls with lust and no respect for age or innocence. When is it going to be enough? Is it going to be too late? Kids already deal with rape, murder, pregnancy, drug abuse, sex, and countless growing problems on a daily basis? Kids are kids! What happened to sleep-overs? What happened to hay rides? What happed to your kids playing out in the streets with neighbor kids? What happened to Skating parties and all of the innocence? Now your children aren’t safe in front of your house or walking down the street to school. We have forgone that basic right and continue to lose man others!

I don’t have all the answers, in fact I’m pretty sure I don’t have many of the answers. It took a while for society to turn into the mess and unfortunately it will take a lot more time and effort to climb out. The only step I can see I can take immediately I have dubbed “The Mirror Effect.” I am implementing it into my life immediately. If you look at your reflection in the Mirror, what you see in effect is a distorted view of your Child. When that child has children they in effect will do the same. Their lives should be held in front of a critical mirror. Do you smoke? So will they. Do you fight with your spouse? So will they. Do you disrespect people for making bad decisions (such as driving)? So will they. Do you sell yourself into debts that eat at your livelihood and financial well being? So will they! If you see something in yourself that you wouldn’t want to pass on to your children, why do it? I’m very guilty of this and as of recent am working diligently on changes before my Daughter is old enough to mold herself after my wife and me.

The good news is that that mirror works both ways. Respect those around you. So will they. If you hold on to the values that formed generations before us, so will they. Respect your spouse and realize that though they are a part of you, they are also an individual. They chose to be with you for the worth you showed at some point. Be proud of that respect. So will your children. Stick up for and take care of those unable to do so themselves. So will your children. And most of all, don’t compromise on those things you consider to be right, wrong, and truth. Neither will your children.

The Bible says, “Raise a child up in the way he should go and he’ll not depart from it when he’s old.” I think the translation often overlooked or at least unmentioned is that most of that lesson is by example, not do as I say and ignore what I do. It’s a ripple effect and something true liberals aren’t going to like. The truth remains that this world, society, is what we make of it. Currently it is heading in a very poor direction. If you need further proof that access the internet, turn on your TV during primetime, and even pay attention to adds available to everyone every day. Things once passed off as Taboo, Problematic, and just plain Wrong are now being passed off as a choice or someone’s “Rights” and it is very much shaping our future……

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

Respect and responsibility do not exist today! They have gone by the wayside!

I would just like to ask a few question!

Could it be that the young people today are more rebellious because of the exposure to some very strict religious guidelines?

Is it possible, that the young people today are being spoiled by having too much of everthing handed to them?

Is it possible that people today do things because they have been taught that they will be forgiven for what they do and so they let themselves get into situations that are extremely harmful to everyone?

I don't know what the answers are!

I am just glad that my 2 sons are grown and we never had any problems with them when they were growing up! They are both Eagle Scouts! Neither one of them was shown or taken to any church anytime when they were growing up!

My youngest is now married to a person who is super religious and one of the most distasteful people I have ever known! They are having some real problems in their lives right now. My wife and I are staying out of it completely and it is up to them to solve their own problems! If my son would want and ask for help, my wife and I will be there for him!

My other son is doing just fine.

We stay out of their lives but they know if they need us, we will be there for them!

Yes, I admit things could be a lot better but at the same time, the people in this country are very lucky to be living here and enjoying what we have!

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

I guesse I see it a lot differently than you.Things arent all that much worse then they were in the past.They are a lot more sensationalized in the media and some things have gotten worse but a lotta what you talk abouts nothing new, its just repeated over and over every day now.

Kids have been killing each other in our inner cities forever.Im not trying to be racist or stereotypical but seriously, when it was just the black kids, latino kids, and lower class white kids doing it very little was ever reported about it or even done about it.It wasnt untill a few middle or upper class white kids did it that the media turned it into a epidemic.

Drugs are nothing new, theyve been around and teens have been doing them for years.I dont have any statistics but drug use in teens has I believe dropped since the 1960s and 70s.Kids are better informed about them and the governments doing more to prevent them now.Theres more kinds of drugs available then there were but not neccassarily as many kids doing them.

Pornographies always been around, its easier to obtain now with the internet but its nothing new either.

Besides the media theres also a "I did it but you shouldnt" attitude.As people get older they tend to think the same things they did as youths, drinking, sex, drugs, whatever it was are somehow more immorral because a different generations doing them.While Im not saying any of things are good things to do. I am honest enough with myself to realize they arent any worse now then they were 15 years ago.A lot of people cant come to terms with that and want to pretend thier somehow more rampant then they used to be.

I think the saddest thing about the way this countries headed is the fact that the medias sensationalizing of all these things is only giving the people what they want to read.Worse then our drinking, drugs, sex, or violence is our need to hear about other peoples misfortunes, its what sells and thats what they keep shoveling us.Before anyone takes offense to anything I posted remember, I never condoned anything and I never said they didnt happen, i just said theyre not that much worse then they ever were.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....


Respect and responsibility do not exist today! They have gone by the wayside!

I would just like to ask a few question!

Could it be that the young people today are more rebellious because of the exposure to some very strict religious guidelines?

I don't think so, there are plenty ultra conservatives like the mininites and others that are not seeing this in thier cultures. Also, the values are not being pushed on kids. The problem is that they are not even being taught by the parents

Is it possible, that the young people today are being spoiled by having too much of everthing handed to them?

Yes, that is one of the biggest problems. Instant gratification.

Is it possible that people today do things because they have been taught that they will be forgiven for what they do and so they let themselves get into situations that are extremely harmful to everyone?

It depends on what you mean. Our society has taught younger generations, including mine, that everything is relative, that any act can be justified in any situation. This takes away any sence of responsibility. Mean people have been told they have "anger probles" or "contol issues". They used to be bad people, now they are just medicated and relieced.

If your talking about religion, you probibly don't truely understand the meaning behind that doctorine.

I don't know what the answers are!

I am just glad that my 2 sons are grown and we never had any problems with them when they were growing up! They are both Eagle Scouts! Neither one of them was shown or taken to any church anytime when they were growing up!

My youngest is now married to a person who is super religious and one of the most distasteful people I have ever known! They are having some real problems in their lives right now. My wife and I are staying out of it completely and it is up to them to solve their own problems! If my son would want and ask for help, my wife and I will be there for him!

My other son is doing just fine.

We stay out of their lives but they know if they need us, we will be there for them!

Yes, I admit things could be a lot better but at the same time, the people in this country are very lucky to be living here and enjoying what we have!

It sound like your son has married a Sunday morning Christain, or as some folks call them, a "drive through baptist". These are the folks who say one thing and then do the other. Those who will gossip about someone going clubbing only to go through the drive through at the liquer store.

I can't speek on the salvation or sincerity of your average hipocrite, but they obviously do more harm then they know.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

I don't take offence with anything horst, but I do disagree pretty strongly with something.

I've been teaching for 13 years, and I can tell a big difference in the attitutes and respect kids show these days. Many kids have a complete lack of respect for anything or anyone. Nothing is sacred and nothing matters.

It did exist 13 years ago, but then it was 1 or 2 % of the kids, now it's more like 10-15%. You may not think that's much, but when your dealing with 100 kids in a day 1 or 2 is a heck of a lot different then 15.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

Oh we dont disagree on that at all John, matter of fact I never even touched on kids attitudes today.Kids today also know most adults cant touch em.

even as recently as 13 yrs ago you could still get away with whopping your kid on the butt in the grocery store.Try that today and the security video will make national television and youll be in jail before you can leave the store.Kids have nothing to fear from adults anymore and Im well aware theres a big increase in the number of them whos attitudes show it.I only graduated 15 years ago and i remember the superintendant having a paddle, and using it.A teacher cant even grab a kid by the arm now without charges being filed or losing thier job.

Were also in a funny state right now where kids have no idea how the real world works.They can get away with it now but when theyre outta school its gonna come back to haunt em real fast.Theyre treated with kid gloves all the way through school anymore, even sports {Elementary} are set up so they dont get thier feelings hurt.Its not just the parents, the schools, or the laws, society as a whole is responsible for these kids lousy attitudes and were just setting them up for failure the more we baby and protect them.At least thats the way I see it, I could be wrong.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....


I don't think so, there are plenty ultra conservatives like the mennonites and others that are not seeing this in thier cultures.

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That's not entirely true John. While the problem is not as rampant as in mainstream cultures, the Amish and Mennonites have had their share of drugs and alcohol in their youth populations, we only hear about what makes it into the news though.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....


Oh we dont disagree on that at all John, matter of fact I never even touched on kids attitudes today.Kids today also know most adults cant touch em.

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It's this attitude and lack of respect for anything that is causing all the other things that Jeramie metioned.

It's a downward spiral that is moving faster and faster.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....



I don't think so, there are plenty ultra conservatives like the mennonites and others that are not seeing this in thier cultures.

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That's not entirely true John. While the problem is not as rampant as in mainstream cultures, the Amish and Mennonites have had their share of drugs and alcohol in their youth populations, we only hear about what makes it into the news though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know Mennonites and Amish and Hutterites face alcohol poblems, especially with the GROWN male population.

As for the debate, I do agree that there is a rapid decline in the respect in todays youth. And its accelerating, while I have just graduated two years ago, I have been coaching grade 8 boys and some of the things those kids have said I would have never even thought of saying (ie:challenging the coach). I know that is a rather minor example when comparing to todays problems but an example none the less.

And I know that it was genuine fear of my father (at first) that kept me from smooking. I knew it was bad but that did not scare me at the time. I've seen countless of teachers fold under pressure and give up because kids don't listen. They know they are untouchable and don't believe the teachers are theere to help them and pass on to them knowledge. Instead they memorize sport stats and video games and movie quotes.

just my .02

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

Sadly it really is a different world in which we live in today Jeramie. Times have changed so much since I was a kid. Laws have changed, mindsets have changed, and people in general have changed.

Parents are not allowed to parent like they did when I was a kid. It amazes me. Kids do have more attitudes now and do not have the same kind of respect, they learn it at school from the kids who learn it at home or daycare or wherever they may be when they have no parental supervision, and then when the parents try to enforce or punish their kids, they have to be careful not to leave any marks if they spank their child for fears of being accused of child abuse. Certainly was not like that when I was a kid. I learned by fear to listen and respect my parents and some bruises that wore off in a couple days, made me a better person in the long run. My kids know what spankings are and they will be disciplined when they do wrong.

Many families the kids are not raised by their parents anymore, but are instead products of daycares or are latch key kids left to raise themselves because mom and dad have to provide for them and are either off at work, then after work are so stressed that in many situations after work the parents are off to busy with their own lives(partying, etc) to take care of their responsibilities. It is all to common that the kids are left to raise themselves. Then you have the kids who learn what they live from their parents who are just kids who are a product of the same type situations and in a sense it is a kind of a cycle of a worsening situation.

The problem with todays world all boils down to parents no longer being parents to ther children.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

I can literally draw you a diagram of when the major problems started with kids. When teachers were no longer allowed to give swats children had nothing to fear from their behavior. I know this statement will get a lot of flak but here goes..... Children and puppies are a lot alike. They understand two things. Pain and reward. You cannot teach if you cannot show the consequenses of their action. Good or bad, they are all consequenses. A swat was both embarassing and painful. Something everyone feared. Second was the punishment at home for what you did at school. Now it's no longer ok to embarass a kid or single them out for their actions.

Give the country 10 yrs of capital punishment and I guarantee the kids will show a dramatic improvement. I know that when I was in school, I got swatted many times along with yelled at and embarassed. It definately made me think. The country lost a lot of good teachers when they went to the weaker system and now all that's coming in are the teachers that are anti American, athiest and scared to do their job. No offense to the teachers in here but I know I can see a definate time line of when the problems made a huge jump.

Also, I don't think that strict religion is the problem, I think it's the lack of religion. Conflict happens in many people that are trying to be of a religious faith. I guess when you just close your eyes and pretend God doesn't exist, that it gets you through the day and you feel no guilt for the things you do and say. It's much easier to pretend your actions have no consequences and get on with your day than to feel guilty for what you have done and ask God to forgive you. Make no mistake about it, I do feel better knowing God will forgive me. I may not make it to heaven but it will be because of not enough effort and not because of no effort at all. I know that nobody is perfect and I accept that every religion known to man has it's problem people but to blame problems on God and not Satan is insane. It's often been said that Satan's greatest accomplishment is to make people believe he never existed at all. Some people are just easier to convince of that than others. Maybe the conflict between couples is that one has a belief they feel convictions for and the other is critical of those beliefs and not willing to allow her to practice her beliefs because they might conflict with their freedoms to deny God. It happens. I think atheism is just the fear that someone else is in charge and they are like the rebelious child that wants to do their thing guilt free and without earthly consequences. I saw a bumper sticker that pretty much summed it up: Atheists; You Only HOPE You're Right!

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

Dont know what all this is with teachers and schools not being allowed stuff. Here the schools have more rights to discipline my kids than I do blush.gifcrazy.gifmad.gif. They can and will paddle your kids, unless you sign to not allow them to. Maybe some places they might not be allowed, but here they most certainly do. Kind of ironic really the school can send your kid home with bruises, but if you send them to school with the same types of bruises questions are raised and you have to worry about someone thinking you are abusing your kid crazy.gifblush.gifmad.gif.

My 10 year old has had far more bruises come from the time she has been in school that have happened at school than she has had at home. She also broke her arm at school, they never even called me mad.gif. Last year, she came home from school with a huge goose egg(talking a area the size of a softball) over her eye, the school never so much as called me or my wife mad.gifmad.gif. Seriously I think anymore schools in general may be just a bit on the neglectful side when it comesto things happening at the school due to many teachers just not caring like they used to.

It is a truly sad situation we live in in todays world where the people who are in jobs we pay for tell us how we can and cannot raise our children. Too much of the liberals crap has gone too far and unfortunately whether we like it or not the world is in fact much different than it was 30 years ago.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....


I thought corporal punishment was outlawed all over

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I dont think so. I remember that there was a paper that we had to sign when we registered at the school with my oldest daughter. If I remember right we had to check whether we were for or against the school paddling our daughter, basically giving our permission or not.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....


I have been raised without the paddle at school and without fear of God's repercussions and I think I truned out alrite thus far. Mainly because I feel I have an obligation to everyone to help make this place a little better, and I can't do that if I'm adding to the problem. There were bad apples when the paddle was around to I'm sure. Both teachers and kids. I see alot more teachers today that genuinely care about their students today than those who don't. Buit sadly i think wtnhunt hit the nail right on the head.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

The vast majority of kids never need to be paddled. I have ad over 3K students and have paddled 3, 2 of them once and the 3rd 3 seperate times. If that one stays in band, it probibly won't be the last time.

I hate doing it. I don't feel bad at all about it, I just hate it when it comes to a point that I have to. Many kids today are not being taught self control at home and the teachers are expected to do at 6-12 years old what should have been done at 18 months. (teach discipline and self control) The way I look at it is that when it comes to that point that I have to do that, I have to put that child in my mind as a toddler that is running in the street. They have to be taught that you can't do that and the lesson sometimes has to hurt.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

I'm not sure about the states that you fellas live in but in NY, parents and school teachers are still allowed to use physical force to a certain extent. I pop my kids on the butt in public if need be, I couldn't care less about cameras, or people seeing. Of course as screwed up as lawyers, liberals and the media has made NYS, we can still discipline when the situation calls for it.


§35.10. Justification; use of physical force generally.

The use of physical force upon another person which would

otherwise constitute an offense is justifiable and not criminal under

any of the following circumstances:

1. A parent, guardian or other person entrusted with the care

and supervision of a person under the age of twenty-one or an

incompetent person, and a teacher or other person entrusted with the

care and supervision of a person under the age of twenty-one for a

special purpose, may use physical force, but not deadly physical

force, upon such person when and to the extent that he reasonably

believes it necessary to maintain discipline or to promote the welfare

of such person.

2. A warden or other authorized official of a jail, prison or

correctional institution may, in order to maintain order and

discipline, use such physical force as is authorized by the correction


3. A person responsible for the maintenance of order in a

common carrier of passengers, or a person acting under his direction,

may use physical force when and to the extent that he reasonably

believes it necessary to maintain order, but he may use deadly

physical force only when he reasonably believes it necessary to

prevent death or serious physical injury.

4. A person acting under a reasonable belief that another

person is about to commit suicide or to inflict serious physical

injury upon himself may use physical force upon such person to the

extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to thwart such result.

5. A duly licensed physician, or a person acting under his

direction, may use physical force for the purpose of administering a

recognized form of treatment which he reasonably believes to be

adapted to promoting the physical or mental health of the patient if

(a) the treatment is administered with the consent of the patient or,

if the patient is under the age of eighteen years or an incompetent

person, with the consent of his parent, guardian or other person

entrusted with his care and supervision, or (b) the treatment is

administered in an emergency when the physician reasonably believes

that no one competent to consent can be consulted and that a

reasonable person, wishing to safeguard the welfare of the patient,

would consent.

6. A person may, pursuant to the ensuing provisions of this

article, use physical force upon another person in defense of himself

or a third person, or in defense of premises, or in order to prevent

larceny of or criminal mischief to property, or in order to effect an

arrest or prevent an escape from custody. Whenever a person is

authorized by any such provision to use deadly physical force in any

given circumstance, nothing contained in any other such provision may

be deemed to negate or qualify such authorization.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

Ken, think during punishments or discsipline, that if you leave a bruise or a mark that can be translated to being physical evidence that a child has been "abused". Unfortunatley there is a lot of gray area, and the dcs can do pretty well whatever they want if the THINK they are doing what is best for the child. Sad thing is a kid can get bruises at school that go unnoticed at the school and then come home and the kid gets to talking to a counselor at school and doesnt like how the parents are disciplining them and under false pretenses somehow the parents get accused and then the kids ironically get taken away for something their parent/parents didnt even do. I bet this type of thing happens more than people might want to realize. I am sure this very idea does concern some parents out there.

I have threatened to swat my kids tails in public on several occasions, and have waited to get to the truck and punished them on more than just a few occasions, never have had to in any store or public place just yet. They do most certainly know when I get on to them that I mean business and that I am not going to forget or back down.

Kind of along with this post, we had a houseful of company this weekend. My sister and her almost 3 year old daughter spent the night Sunday. My sister let that kid get into everything, and I had to get onto her as well as did my wife(really not our place) and when something was said to my sister she replied she is only two, "that is what two year olds do" crazy.gifmad.gif. She even took off towards the woods after getting out of the pool while most of us were still in the pool and my oldest daughter had to run and catch her. I killed a snake back there right near where she took off to yesterday afternoon after everyone was gone. My oldest is kind of starting at 10 to understand why we do discipline our kids like we do. I know she still doesnt like it. Hey when I was a kid I didnt like being disciplined either, but without any structure or discipline and parents that let their kids run wild, the problems in todays society are only going to continue to worsen.

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Re: The Mirror Effect....

Oh yeah, and BowJoe I asked my 10 year old and she said that the elementary school she was going to did in fact use the paddle. Also my wife informed me that the school my 4 year old starts in this August that she read in the paperwork when we were registering her that they also use paddling when needed.

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