late archery


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I live in northern indiana and we have a great oppurtunity to have a productive late archery season.

I have thinking of hitting late archery hard this year,and i was wondering how many of you hunt during this time and if it is very productive?

our season runs from dec. 4th-jan. 2.



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Re: late archery

I live in Minnesota.. Late season bowhunting is the GREATEST time of the year.. First off, you need to have the right clothing, after that it is AWESOME!! When you find one deer, you find a bunch of deer. They will pretty muck ALL be feeding on the same thing. They move earlier and have to feed longer.

The best part about it, no one else is out there!!

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Re: late archery

In Oklahoma, our bow season lasts from Oct. 1st to Jan. 15. I was all set this year to hunt hard in the late season but now that I've filled all my buck tags, I don't think I'll hunt quite as hard as I had planned. I've still got two archery doe tags to fill so I will be out and about a few times.

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Guest MattA311

Re: late archery

For any of you hunting in the Midwest who can.. THROW DOWN CORN! Put it out in a shooting lane in front of your stand and hunt over it for 2-3 days.. after about a day you'll see a TON of activety over it during the late season. Like others have said, it's usually herds. Mainly does by me, but I have seen herds of Bucks hit the corn as well.

Corn is very effective in the late season because of the cold weather and the deer needing carbs as a form of energy provided by the corn to make it through the winter.

Throw out a pile in the late season where there's deer and I can pretty much guarentee you have lots of shots at many deer.

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Re: late archery

I hope you're right Matt, I've got corn feeders as well as one heck of a nice food plot that the deer are pretty much ignoring right now. Can y9u say....ACORNS? They're everywhere right now but I expect I can bowhunt some nice does by the time late Oklahoma archery season rolls around.

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Guest wisbowhntr

Re: late archery

I will be hunting the late season here to . I was able to get to hunt some private land starting back in October and the deer are hitting a winter wheat field north of this land . I have permission to shoot one in the field if they get close but that is not happening so far . So I am going to put out apples instead of corn hoping that draws them or at least one away from the wheat field . Matt good luck too hope you get one .

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