snow goose mount are back (some)


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Finally got my first two snow goose mounts back and mounted on the wall (yeah, I know one is a blue goose).

I live in a converted barn so I my walls are 16 feet at the eaves and 29 feet at the peak (all open space). I decided to mount 8 of these guys. 6 will be mounted as though they are coming into land (out of the wall and looking at you). They will have different wing postions. This will include 4 snows and 2 blues. Up further and off by themselves will be 2 Ross geese.

I am very happy with the snow in the photo, however, the feet are a little too pink. He is going to tone the feet down when he returns with the next batch of geese.

If any of you have neat geese in diffent flying positions I would love to see them and maybe get some different ideas.

Last, I am not sure that I like the blue at that particular angle. What is your opinion??? Does he look out of position in relation to the snow??


view from my loft area


view from the sittin' room. That's exactly how I remember those snows when they would fly overhead... what memories

Good luck to all

the dog

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Re: snow goose mount are back (some)

They look great. Once the feet color are adjusted they'll be perfect.

The angle of the blue is fine. The way your taxidermist posed them, it's obvious that they're landing (wings cupped, feet down). I've yet to see a flock land in formation.

And as to the Blue -vs Snow thing...just different color phases of the same species.

I like the mount style. I've not seen that kind of a wall mount before, usually the flying poses like that I've seen are hung from the ceiling with monofilament (Which my wife absolutely prohibits in my house).

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Re: snow goose mount are back (some)

Those are awesome looking.

The first pic kinda looks like the blue should be turned a bit towards the snow, but then in the second picture it looks good. So I would say they are fine. I am sure I am seeing the first pic at a differnt angle and that is why it looks the way it does.

AWESOME. Cant wait to see the others.

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