hog wild

Guest guess

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Guest guess

I'm not sure what to think ,when I married her, Michelle was a good wife .She stayed home,took care of the kids,cooked and cleaned,now she's gone bad.I come home from a hard days work, nursing a three day old, nasty spider bite,and she tells me she's going hunting,leaving me to take care of the kids and cook supper! Gone bad I tell you, gone bad!

She headed out to a wallow where she killed a hog a few days ago ,got settled in and waited and not long either I might add, maybe an hour! She had one hog come in from down wind and leave ,then a little bit later had about ten come in.She said the first one got so close she had to shoot,she hit him low in the jaw at about 10 yards,with a 95 gr AccuTip in .243,he dropped and squealed sending the others into a frenzy, one of which attacked him.She was quick to get on the second hog,and squeeze hitting him just behind the shoulder quartering towards her.He ran about 40 yards leaving a 2 foot wide path through the corn field! Then she has the gall to call me ! "Honey I shot two hogs will you bring the carrier so we can load them"? By the time Cupcake {a 1 year old dachshund} and I got there, she had already drug them to a fence row so I could drive to'em!

Bad woman I'm telling you ,she's gone bad!

I'm trying to teach Cupcake how to blood trail!



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