Deer Hunting Florida Style


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Sorry if these have already been posted. I think they are amazing photos especially since 3 recent gator attacks in Florida. If one of these big boys grab you its pretty much over.

This was taken by a KTBS helicopter flying over Lake George(For those of you who are not local, this Lake George is in Ocala FL).

That has to be a HUGE Gator to have a whole deer in it's mouth



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Re: Deer Hunting Florida Style

Cool, I've never seen them. The deer at my place can't get over the train tracks without getting hit. How can a magestic whitetail pick me out of a tree at 50 yards in full camo, but can't see a train coming down a set of tracks?

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Re: Deer Hunting Florida Style

The pictures are actually from Georgia. There were so many rumors that went around as to where the pictures were from and who took them. Check it out here.[ LINK ]


In August 2004, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) finally cleared up the issue by issuing a press release identifying the photographs as having been taken in south Georgia (near the Georgia/South Carolina border) by a USFWS officer in March 2004:

  • [*]The sight of a 12 to 14 foot-long alligator is something south Georgia folks see occasionally, but few have seen one take an adult deer out to lunch. Actually — for lunch.

[*]The photographs of this deer-eating alligator were taken from the air by Terri Jenkins, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service District Fire Management Officer. She was preparing to ignite a prescribed fire at Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge, about 40 miles south of Savannah, Georgia, on March 4, 2004.

[*]"One advantage of fire work is you get to see that 12-14 footers are common from Santee National Wildlife Refuge in South Carolina to Coastal South Carolina to Georgia’s coast," said Jenkins. "It looks like the alligator population is doing extremely well."

[*]This one was at least 12-13 feet long. Jenkins said that some bull alligators have a 35 inch girth.

[/ QUOTE ]

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