Plan coming together...


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If some of you remember i was wanting to put some food plots out at my dads place.

Bad news is the valley is still to wet to get the tractor through to till it up and the farmer has planted the back field so I might not get the chance to put the plots in.

Good news is that I had cleared a tree to hunt out of this fall that is along our fenceline by one of the deer crossings. I had also cleared the crossing area and lowered the fence. Well I went out there for the first time since I did the work and the majority of the deer activity is running right through the area I cleared and right under my tree. It looks like about 80% of the deer are coming through my spot!!!

Lots of deer beds back there and also kicked out a big deer from the little hickory grove we have.

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Re: Plan coming together...


Good deal Gary.

Time to hang a camera?


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Nope, Notta, No way!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

Dad's place is to small and I don't want anything spooking them. I threw up a camera last year in the front of the pasture when I started to see some decent sign. I got 5 pics of deer, then nothing for the next 2 months.

I might put a camera out when I head down to Southern IL for first shotgun season to see what I missed. But I'm not going to set anything out to ive them any hints prior to season grin.gif

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