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Guest lovinbowhuntin247365

Re: yeeeesssssss!!!!!!

ive got till june 16 ... grrr ... my plans for the summer will be hangin out wiht my gorgeous girlfriend, swimmin, hangin with buddies when im not wit hher, and workin for my dad ithe rest of the time ... its about time i got a job

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: yeeeesssssss!!!!!!

Already helped with the 4H fair around here in Ches. We got school for another 2 weeks right now and then its work, hangin with my fiance', wakeboarding and fishing constantly.

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Guest huntinglad

Re: yeeeesssssss!!!!!!

Todays my first day out of school. but for the rest of the summer i'll probably be up in the mountains with my brother fishing and camping or in arizona visiting my sister

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Re: yeeeesssssss!!!!!!


I get out on thursday. Planning on fishing all summer, also have to de-tassel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh man I remember detasseling corn when I was a teenager. That can be some hard work. Especially if you get on with a crew like I did and work sun up to sun down many days. We weren't supposed to work that long (child labor laws).

Had some fun times doing it too though and made a fair amount of money.

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Re: yeeeesssssss!!!!!!

I've been out for about a week, but I wish I could have been in school for like 2 more days frown.gif. I might go to Canada:).I can't wait t'ill next year. I'll be in 4th grade, and at the end of 4th grade i can choose an instiment. I'll probally choose the flute otherwise the violin cool.gif .

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