Turkey Taste

iron buck

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Re: Turkey Taste

I absolutely LOVE wild turkey!!!!!! tongue.gif

But I won't do one the disrepect of roasting it. I've never found a way to roast a wild turkey to have it come out worth a darn............bags, apples........whatever. They come out way too tough and way too dry for my liking. And there's no re-heating the leftovers. Tough as boot leather. I like tender, juicy turkey. That's why I grill them. I fillet out the breast meat (you can bone out the legs if it's a big bird and you have the patience of Job). I brush the meat with olive oil, coat it with the dry seasonings of my choice and grill it over low heat for about 25 minutes.

It don't get any better than that!!!

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Re: Turkey Taste

YES YES YES! Wild turkey is far more superior than store turkey! The flavor, the texture, everything is delicious about wild turkey! And since I haven't gotten one for a year and a half now, the next wild turkey I get will taste great! Eating a wild turkey is the best reward of turkey hunting in my opinion grin.gif

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Re: Turkey Taste


I absolutely LOVE wild turkey!!!!!! tongue.gif

But I won't do one the disrepect of roasting it. I've never found a way to roast a wild turkey to have it come out worth a darn............bags, apples........whatever. They come out way too tough and way too dry for my liking. And there's no re-heating the leftovers. Tough as boot leather. I like tender, juicy turkey. That's why I grill them. I fillet out the breast meat (you can bone out the legs if it's a big bird and you have the patience of Job). I brush the meat with olive oil, coat it with the dry seasonings of my choice and grill it over low heat for about 25 minutes.

It don't get any better than that!!!

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I couldn't agree with you more strut10...I grill mine also.

A word of caution jnamo and definitely a difference between wild turkey and store bought turkey...Don't get too carried away chomping down on your bird cause you just might bite into some shot...OUCH!!!! lol grin.gif

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Re: Turkey Taste


I absolutely LOVE wild turkey!!!!!! tongue.gif

But I won't do one the disrepect of roasting it. I've never found a way to roast a wild turkey to have it come out worth a darn............bags, apples........whatever. They come out way too tough and way too dry for my liking. And there's no re-heating the leftovers. Tough as boot leather. I like tender, juicy turkey. That's why I grill them. I fillet out the breast meat (you can bone out the legs if it's a big bird and you have the patience of Job). I brush the meat with olive oil, coat it with the dry seasonings of my choice and grill it over low heat for about 25 minutes.

It don't get any better than that!!!

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Same here Strut. The only time I don't grill them similar to the same way you do is when I do turkey rollups. Basically turkey rollups is slicing thin strips of wild turkey breast and wrapping them around jalopenia (or however you spell it) cheese. You can use monteray jake as a substitute with some sliced jalopenia. Wrap bacon around the outside and stake them down with toothpicks. Then marinate them in Wickers for about 24 hours. Grill them and enjoy them.

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Re: Turkey Taste

They are definitely leaner than the store boought turkeys. More prone to drying out, especially when roasting.

My favorite way is the deep frying with the bird injected with cajun marinade. Nake such to let the bird rest awhile after injecting. Otherwise you'll get pockets of marinade that couold burst and result in a boil over with the fryer. I set mine in the fridge for a couple hours after injecting and rubbing down with cajun seasoning(or your favorite flavor).

They come out moist, tender and delicious! laugh.gif

I have done the breasts and thighs on the grill. Also very good. laugh.gif


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