Sickly looking doe for this time of year


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Last weekend my son set up a trail cam on our property in Sullivan county ,NY. We got a few pics of a doe that does not look healthy for this time of year. Her spine is showing, hip bones(pelvis) is protruding. The is soo much green stuff to eat up there, but maybe not good green stuff to eat. That is why I always take care of my apple trees and try to plant food plots whenever possible.

What do you guys thinkabout the visual health of this doe? She should have had a fawn with her by now. Other does in the area have already dropped the fawns. I think she'd might be a dry doe.

This is an area that is about to get antler restrictions too.


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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

have no idea but this is just a thought.

When I female horse is about to let her colt nurse, she will look something like that. She will move here legs around to allow the colt get in to be able to nurse. Could that maybe be getting ready to happen here?? The fawn could be just off the our left her right and be walking that way to nurse.

NO real clue just a thought.

But I do agree at first look she looks really thin.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

Does do look to be dragged down pretty hard with twins nursing right after they are born. Honestly she really does not look too bad if she just recently dropped and is nursing twins or possibly even triplets. Think she will be fine.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

I guess the fawn thing could have taken a big toll on her. In that area over that weekend, we came upon 2 does that would not budge, lots of foot stomping and sure enough, fawns hopping in the grass.

She is a mature one,but looks real run down for sure. That arched back sure does not look good either.

Here is another pic of her.


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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

With a nose like that she is surely no yearling.

She's had a fawn recently though it could have been a still birth.

She'll recover. give her a couple of months and you'll be guessing what one she is.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

Thats normal for a doe feeding 1 or 2 fawns for this time of year. Not only are they recovering from winter, alot of the nutrients were going towards the fawn(s) and when born , most of the nutrients are being used to create milk. Most of the time when a deer is sick it will show in there coat , it will look roughed up and this one looks very smooth and full.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year


Thats normal for a doe feeding 1 or 2 fawns for this time of year. Not only are they recovering from winter, alot of the nutrients were going towards the fawn(s) and when born , most of the nutrients are being used to create milk. Most of the time when a deer is sick it will show in there coat , it will look roughed up and this one looks very smooth and full.

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Come to think of it , I think you are right about the coat being ratty if they are sick. I have seen some ratty coats on deer, but this doe most likely as most say , just run down from birthing and feeding.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year


Does do look to be dragged down pretty hard with twins nursing right after they are born. Honestly she really does not look too bad if she just recently dropped and is nursing twins or possibly even triplets. Think she will be fine.

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That's what I was thinking. Just about any large animal looks pretty rough for a while after giving birth

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

just think, she most likley would of not made it through the winter like that i bet she just gave birth and is going through recoop stage, just like cows do when they drop. it takes a great toll espicially if she had twins, give her another week or two and she probably would be back to better.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

That thought DID cross my mind, was during the week of fawn dropping up there. So I am kind of leaning towards that occurance. We will be up again for fathers day. We will set up the trail cam at the same spot and I will post any new pics we get there.

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Re: Sickly looking doe for this time of year

I live in the CWD containment area here in NY. The wild deer which tested positive, was killed about 10 miles away from my house. I know this is another topic for a new thread. But, the DEC did not even come close to what they should have done after they found the 1st positive case in a wild deer in NY. They should have culled every deer in a "to be determined" radius of where they found the 1st and only case.

Who knows how fast it could spread throughout NY if other deer are positive, and the chances are great.

So, in my opinion, every NY'er, no matter how far from the contaiment area, should be on the look out for signs of chronic wasting. The DEC did not do there job to contain it, and we will see other positive cases!!!!!

Just my opinion, but I could be wrong!!!!--rossman

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