Price of BOWS today


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Seems like the price of a bow has gone up alot the last couple of years. Seems like if you paid $500 for

a bow a couple of years ago it was at the top of the price range "not the most exspensive but still more the the average" Im not talking setup either but now today i got the bass pro add and most bows are around 500 or more. Have they just gotten that much better? Or is it me? smirk.gif

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Re: Price of BOWS today

Two years ago I ordered a custom recurve--$910 plus it was a 12-14 month wait! I sent the bowyer a $100 deposit and after 7 months I wanted a new guitar but the wife said new bow or guitar--not both.I cancelled the bow order and bought me a Gibson.

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Re: Price of BOWS today

Prices of bows have definitely changed and I understand what he means. A few years back$500 woul dget you a top shelf bow, now that is just the middle of the road, the top shelf bows are all $700 +.

It may seem steep, but to me, the bows of today are so far ahead of what we use to have available that it's pretty much worth it. In my opinion, you get what you pay for wink.gif

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Re: Price of BOWS today


It doesn't seem worth it to me. I don't see why anyone woulda wanna pay $700+ for a bow that will be outdated within 3 years. All bows are gettin more expensive though. And I can't afford any of '

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See, that's where I disagree. Since 2004 and on, I truly don't think you can buy an outdated bow. Yeah, every year companies come out with the "newest and greatest" thing, but it's always something so insignificant it's unreal. Basically they just have to look like they are still inventing so it doesn't look like the company is in a lull.

As for the price, it's definitely steep, but investing in one GREAT bow that could last a life time as opposed to buying 2 mediocre bows in a 6 year span or so is worth it to me.

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Re: Price of BOWS today


But will it last a lifetime?

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Seeing as how my Mathews has a LIFETIME WARRANTY..... she sure will lol laugh.gif

Heck, with proper maintenance and care, any bow can last a lifetime. Yeah, you may have to switch out a set of limbs and obviously some strings and cables, but none the less, they'll last forever if properly cared for

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Re: Price of BOWS today

Heck, when I bought my Martin almost 7 years ago...I thought bow prices were high ya...they are steep!

I wouldn't have a prob. spending the $ if it held its value a little better. You pay $700 for a new bow...shoot and/or hunt with it 3'd be darn lucky to get $400 for it. As long as I can hit what I'm aiming at and kill deer with my Martin...I won't be buying a new one anytime soon!

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Re: Price of BOWS today

Expensive is in the eye of the beholder. If you've got the money to burn, blow it! Personally, with the kind of close-range hunting that I do, all I really need is a bow that will stay in one piece for a bunch of years. And they have been making those since way back when bows were relatively cheap. The fact is, that I don't believe I have killed more deer with any of those bows that I have hanging on the wall gathering dust than the $80 Bear Whitetail that I bought back in the early to mid 70's. You know, the one where you could use those limbs for pry-bars without causing any damage. I'm tired of keeping up with the Jones's. I grew out of that a long time There's no way that they are going to suck me into buying any more of those high-priced, over-rated products of marketing.


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Re: Price of BOWS today

This winter I bought a new "last year's model" Parker setup from "Jacko" over at Archery Talk. I think I paid around $275 shipped. You can spend as much or as little as you want for most things. Now I just have to hope my shoulder heals so I can USE the bow.

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Re: Price of BOWS today

I have a bow that is going on three years old, when i bought it it was at the top of its range "except for some exotic recurves, and i love it taken about 7 deer with it and it works great, i do believe you get what you pay for sometimes but i think bow makers see other companys getting high prices so they raise there prices seems like they are just getting kinda up there is all. Perhaps the quality levels are up there too. Im not trying to compete with he joness im just thinging in 5 more years when i start looking at new bows to buy the price could be as much as 1500 for a good bow. Same with sights they are going way up too. i think it is the popularity of the sprot i guess. I remember when I mail ordered my first bow from a black and white catalog, and the top bow then was around 300. i think mine was like 200 if that but man have they changed

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Guest Finn

Re: Price of BOWS today

I think prices are outrageous. But I guess it's no worse than the price of every other hobby.

Golf equipment is too high also. frown.gif

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Re: Price of BOWS today

The market is driven by us, bow hunters. Nope, I don't think so. I believe the market price is driven by the target shooters. They are more apt to change bows every year tying to get to the next level of competition. Hunters on the other hand find a nice quiet and reasonable fast bow and stay with it for awhile or until something causes them to up grade. Me, I prefer to shop for a good used bow, something that has not been mistreated and still will do the job or find a older bow that is new that is just looking for a good home. The more we jump on the latest and greatest thing out there the higher prices go, supply and demand.

A lot of people will not buy a bow that only cost 400.00 because it can't be as well made and as good as a bow that cost 700.00. confused.gif So what is a company to do, to stay in business they must raise their price to reflect the market. So when the "lower end" bows slowly creep up in price so do the upper end. This is only my opinion and we all know about opinions. grin.gif

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Re: Price of BOWS today

When I bought my Mathews Outback in March of '03 I paid $565 stripped. All said and done, I spent almost $1200 with 2 dozen Beman 380-16's. I think I spent more on the accesories, but the bow; if I can remember correctly, was cheaper than most people could get it for. I thougfht I was gonna spend more than most living in the north east. But I was wrong. Most were spending around $650 and better on the, then new Outback.

The following year, the dealer who I got my Mathews from(Davis Sports, Sloatsburg,NY) was no longer a Mathews dealer. He said Mathews dropped him because he was selling the bows too cheap. He made his $ on the accesories. The bow he said he only made a few $ on.

I can only imagine what a new Switchback costs stripped today confused.gif

This Mathews replaced a 20 year old bow, a Bear Whitetail Legend. I thought I be good for almost another 20 years, but my oldest boy(14) has his eyes on it, and he could draw it back too frown.gif

Looks like I will have to buy another bow soon. He is taking all my hunting stuff shocked.gif

But I guess thats a good thing grin.gif

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Re: Price of BOWS today

The bow I'm shooting now was state of the art in 2001. It retailed for $549 and I couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a bow. So I found a "brand new" used one on eBay all set up and with 2 dozen top of the line carbon arrows and manufacturer's soft case. Approximately $1080 worth of stuff if bought new, retail. Got it all for $401 shipped!!! My point is, I guess, that it doesn't matter what the MSRP is on the new bows if you've got the willpower to say "phooey" on it. My philosophy is to let someone else take the retail beating. I'll get the spoils 6 months or a year later. I like to keep my "bow dollars per deer" ratio down. BTW.......5 years later there still ain't a nickel's worth of difference between my "antique" and the 2006 models. wink.gif

I also heard several years back that (at that time) over 50% of the pricetag of a new bow was to pay for the advertising. crazy.gif

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Re: Price of BOWS today

Each year the price will go up as some will have to have the newest on the market and as some have said, we hunters drive the market up. Its a shame really when you have to pay $700.00 for a bare bow then spend $300 to $400 to make it ready to go hunting. Most people can't afford to do that every year or even once every 10 years. Just does not fit there budget.

When you look at a bow its amazing where that $700.00 goes, its all the engineering and marketing costs and materials but one would think that the materials being mass produced would drop the price down a lot but if the market is out there and willing to pay $700.00 for a bow, why would you sell them it for about half?

Just think in 10 years what a bow will cost, is $1200 out of line? Probably not!

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Re: Price of BOWS today

When i bought my hoyt ultra sport. I got it for $490 and that was buying it off my girlfriends dad down at our local bow shop and he knocked off some money from that price. And gave me a few things that i couldnt use off my old bow. But i cant see spending $700 bucks on a new bow now that i have this one as long as its working good this will be with me for a long time.

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Re: Price of BOWS today

My 2006 Switchback XT was $700.00, bare bones. I will keep it probably 6-10 years though, and then buy a new one. My last bow I only had 2 years but did not care for it. The bow it replaced I had for over 10 years. I get accustomed to the same weapon and keep it. I have a Rem 700 30-06 that I would love to get a matte version of with a synthetic stock. The problem is, I have stacked critters up like cordwood with it and its kinda just "me". I couldn't get rid of it. I think this one is going to get a "face lift". I want to send it our for a matte finish and replace the scope with a matte version and then replace the stock.

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