mule deer hunting

Guest hunt904

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Guest hunt904

I'm looking for a good outfitter for hunting out west. This will be my first time hunting out west. I'll be going with my dad and brother and they have left it up to me to find an outfitter. Any help would be great! thanks,Josh

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Re: mule deer hunting

Are you planning on this year or next? The reason why I'm asking, is many states drawing systems are completed and only a few offer over-the-counter options. Which state were you wanting to hunt in? More information is needed, as they're LOTS of reputable outfitters to choose from.

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Re: mule deer hunting

Powder river outfitters do a real nice job. I have a few friend that hunted with them and had a great hunt. They are only about 2 hrs. south of my father in-laws ranch, so the hunting is very similar. Nice muley bucks, average 22" to 26". Good luck

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Guest hunt904

Re: mule deer hunting

We have looked into Powder river outfitters. They seem to have a real nice operation form what I've found. We are going to try to shoot for next year and it looks like Montana hasa the easiest chance to get tags. Thanks for the info.

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Re: mule deer hunting

Not sure where you wanna go but you might call the Jicarilla Apache Nation in Dulce NM and ask about their mulie tags. I think they have 250 tags per yr available. Thery also raffle off some tags for 50.00. Bucks can run to 42" wide. I worked in the area and can confirm 30"+ plus bucks. Not sure about outfitters though. Good luck and welcome to the West.

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Re: mule deer hunting

42" bucks are once in a lifetime as I'm sure silvertip will tell you. Your best bet is to do your homework and find an outfitter that best meets your hunting needs & style. Montana, Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Canada & Mexico all have great mule deer hunting. Determining the class of bucks you want and the size of your wallet will weed out many places.

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Guest DesertTrophyHunts

Re: mule deer hunting

The Jicarilla has some of the best mule deer habitat in the world. They also have some great deer but you better have VERY deep pockets if you want to hunt there. A couple of years ago they were only offering 20 tags to non-tribal members and they were starting at 10,000 for the tag, the guides were more and you have to hire a tribal guide. They were talking about raising th price of the tags and aking fewer hunters but I dont know what came of that. There are better places to go for the money IMHO.


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Re: mule deer hunting

I have never had a mulie tag.........but I have run into some beauties while elk hunting open unit public land elk. Here is one I was able to get a picture of. We ran into him at 12,500 feet while stalking a 5x5 bull with cows. The bull was 3 drainages away..........but I had to stop & get pictures of this guy! Very tall. LOTS of stickers. Great mass. Just not real wide.I guess him at 28-29" wide inside. Wish I had a tag anyway!


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Re: mule deer hunting

All I am willing to say is that it is from a public land section of the Weminuche wink.gif It is an area where I have seen some monster mule deer bucks. WAY up above treeline & at the fringes of the pines at drainage tops. Just like this one.

If Elk tags keep going up...........I am switching over to hunting deer in Colorado LOL grin.gif

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Re: mule deer hunting


Not sure where you wanna go but you might call the Jicarilla Apache Nation in Dulce NM and ask about their mulie tags. I think they have 250 tags per yr available. Thery also raffle off some tags for 50.00. Bucks can run to 42" wide. I worked in the area and can confirm 30"+ plus bucks. Not sure about outfitters though. Good luck and welcome to the West.

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I beliegve the indians down there do the guiding them selfs. The tags aren't cheap though but few quality muley ares that easy to get in are. Watch the cycle out there. The hunt the bucks down to nothing anf then cut back to almost no tags for a while. Seems like every so often they do that. I hunted out there with a friend of mine from texas twice. I have taken 2 bucks that will just blow your mind off of there. The Kaibab is good, Utah is ok, sw Wyoming is good. You might want to also look into Sonora, British Columbia, and Alberta. Easy to get tags usually means less than trophy bucks when it comes to muleys. Might not be a bad idea eiher to start buying points as well.

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Guest slinger09

Re: mule deer hunting

I have booked a hunt with Adventures Wild to hunt mule deer in eastern plains of CO. I will be hunting Dec 8-13 I will report back to you how we do.

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