Where I'm Heading!


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this is my home away from home. I'm usually there all year round about one to two weekends a month. it has no running water, no electricity (gas lights and stove), you don't get cell phone service there, no TV or anything else that is bothersome.

All you have is a big, warm fireplace and turkeys, deer and bear out the front window feeding. (well, there used to be deer but its been 2 years since i've seen one there)

but anyway, this is my little piece of heaven.


This is the front. i'm standing where the animals would be.


this is the side of the cabin with its big porch and to the right is the front of the cabin.


and this is the rear of the cabin from the parking lot. notice the meat poles hanging in the foreground.

hope you're not jealous John. grin.gif

if you can make it you know where its at.

have a good one guys, i know i will. even if i just stay there and play cards. grin.gif

sorry the pics are so blurry, i dont' know why they're out of focus but you can see it no matter.

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