Idaho_ Elk_ Huntr Posted June 8, 2006 Report Share Posted June 8, 2006 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted June 8, 2006 Report Share Posted June 8, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack And, think........the greenies and the tree huggers are proud of their accomplishment..........reintroducing these vermin into the U.S. I saw an article recently that showed the natural progression of the wolves' expansion. Get ready Michigan and New York. You're going to be having the same troubles soon. My wife's uncle hunts Idaho. The elk are in serious doo-doo out there. I guess when they've introduced enough predators to wipe out the game populations, nobody will hunt anymore. There's more than one way for the anti's to get what they want. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dakota Posted June 17, 2006 Report Share Posted June 17, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack They for sure need to curb the wolf population, but I disagree with Strut10 about the full destiny of the wolf population. The wolves are the essence of the wilderness and to lose them would devistate the ecosystem and set it off balance. They should hold controlled hunts to kill maybe 15 wolves per area each year, but they should not destroy the entire species. Dakota Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
outdoorsmen1 Posted June 19, 2006 Report Share Posted June 19, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack i think thats about the saddest thing ive ever heard, good thing we dont have wolves in NC Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted June 19, 2006 Report Share Posted June 19, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack That is a sad he lost his dogs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arrow32 Posted June 19, 2006 Report Share Posted June 19, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack Pretty sad that he lost his dogs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Idaho_ Elk_ Huntr Posted June 22, 2006 Author Report Share Posted June 22, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack [ QUOTE ] The wolves are the essence of the wilderness and to lose them would devistate the ecosystem and set it off balance. [/ QUOTE ] How do you figure? They were exstinct for 100 years! We dont need them! These are Canadian wolves that were planted. I think the opposite of you. They were terminated for a reason to start with. Just my opinion! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ODH Posted June 22, 2006 Report Share Posted June 22, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack that's sad he lost his dogs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoosierhunter Posted July 3, 2006 Report Share Posted July 3, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack that is horrible. I had a similar situation happen here in Indiana with yotes....We had 5 of them come into the yard and surround our two labs...I grabbed a golf club and ran out the door yelling and swinging and they took off on a slow trot....THey didn't want to leave and stopped out in the field at about 200 yards....I hurried the dogs inside and when I got back with the gun they were gone, but it's a very scary thing to have happen......Dogs and cats for that matter are parts of peoples families and losing them is heart goes out to him.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
okbowman Posted July 4, 2006 Report Share Posted July 4, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack Sad!! We need OSW!! Operation Shoot Wolves!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lilcrackshot Posted July 4, 2006 Report Share Posted July 4, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack [ QUOTE ] that is horrible. I had a similar situation happen here in Indiana with yotes....We had 5 of them come into the yard and surround our two labs...I grabbed a golf club and ran out the door yelling and swinging and they took off on a slow trot....THey didn't want to leave and stopped out in the field at about 200 yards....I hurried the dogs inside and when I got back with the gun they were gone, but it's a very scary thing to have happen......Dogs and cats for that matter are parts of peoples families and losing them is heart goes out to him.... [/ QUOTE ] Yep, I feel preety sad for the animals too. Coyotes are really bad and they aren't scared of people. That's why it is good to have a gun close. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_MD_ Posted July 4, 2006 Report Share Posted July 4, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack The sadest thing is that the wolves are still alive. Dakota, I like to hunt and have hunting opportunities. I thought you did to. Since wolves have been reintorduced deer, elk and moose populations have taken a serious turn for the worse. The existing herds are all older generation animals. Don't take my word for it go to states that have wolves and read the hunter harvest reports for units with wolves. Some that I read for Montana had the average harvested elk age at 5/6. What does that mean? It means fawn crops are being eradicated by wolves. When the existing herds get to old to escape wolves then we no longer have game to hunt! I see this in units I hunt. in the past I could see hundreds of calves and fawns these days I'm lucky to see a handful. The adult numbers are dwindling. Some day I would like to be able to take my kids out and have them see elk & moose calves and to be able to hunt them without waiting for a once in a lifetime tag. There was a reason wolves were killed off. Ever wonder why? Dakota I'm trying to blast you individually but your views are way off base. Maybe when you hit Wyoming Steve can show you how wolves are effecting his state. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
superguide Posted July 5, 2006 Report Share Posted July 5, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack Where Saskman,Bushman and I live we have hundreds of wolves but we also have thousands of deer,moose and elk-so the old story about wolves wiping out the game just doesn't wash. I've hunted here for years and I've only seen 3-4 live wolves-tracks lots of times-sure they kill big game but they sure don't wipe them out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BowtechTurkeyHunter Posted July 9, 2006 Report Share Posted July 9, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack First of all these are hunting dogs ... they hunt things ... secondly you have wolves ... basically hunting dogs ... get where this is going ... the wolves didn't hunt the dogs ... my guess is they just crossed paths and the wolves won ... personally I think the picture with the guy holding whats left of his dog is the grossest thing I have ever seen... and really dont think it is necessary for the story ... mountain lions do far more damage then the wolves do I bet ... here in Iowa they are trying to get rid of them after they released them because they realized what a huge impact they have the populations in Iowa ... my guess is that the wolf is more the victim here then the culprit ... they are doing what comes naturally. Steve Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dakota Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack Ok, ok guys, I get the picture!!!!!! If you havn't noticed, black bears are also starting to get out of hand. I have cousins in Tennessee that have bear dogs and a lab or two, but the tied up one of the labs to a tree and a big black bear chased it into the dog house that was nearby and tore its head clean off! I'm still mad at my cousins for tieing up dogs like that. They have good $600 bear dogs that are just tied up and are behaving badly. They're not even worth $5 anymore! But you guys are right, the should stop reintroducing them into the U.S. and eradicate the ones already living in the wild. Dakota Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest malikai Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack I didnt think that wolves could be so terrible, I feel bad now. I am very angry as well. if i lived in canada I would kill every wolf I saw. This is an atrocity. Joe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Coyote_Hunter Posted August 10, 2006 Report Share Posted August 10, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack [ QUOTE ] First of all these are hunting dogs ... they hunt things ... secondly you have wolves ... basically hunting dogs ... get where this is going ... the wolves didn't hunt the dogs ... my guess is they just crossed paths and the wolves won ... personally I think the picture with the guy holding whats left of his dog is the grossest thing I have ever seen... and really dont think it is necessary for the story ... mountain lions do far more damage then the wolves do I bet ... here in Iowa they are trying to get rid of them after they released them because they realized what a huge impact they have the populations in Iowa ... my guess is that the wolf is more the victim here then the culprit ... they are doing what comes naturally. Steve [/ QUOTE ] its a sad story but i agree with this guy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ravin R10 man Posted November 30, 2006 Report Share Posted November 30, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack Said it b4 and I'll say it again,,The only good wolf is a DEAD one! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest gabuckbuster03 Posted December 5, 2006 Report Share Posted December 5, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack thats sad Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randy Posted December 5, 2006 Report Share Posted December 5, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack [ QUOTE ] They for sure need to curb the wolf population, but I disagree with Strut10 about the full destiny of the wolf population. The wolves are the essence of the wilderness and to lose them would devistate the ecosystem and set it off balance. They should hold controlled hunts to kill maybe 15 wolves per area each year, but they should not destroy the entire species. Dakota [/ QUOTE ] I agree. The wolves are doing what they know. It's called survival!! If we (people) were not in THEIR home things like this would not happen. I do feel sorry for the dogs but, we brought it on ourselves!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun_300 Posted December 8, 2006 Report Share Posted December 8, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack Oh man, that's sad how he lost his dogs! We have millions of the darn things up here, huge timberwolves that some go 100lbs+. They sure put a killing on the deer this year, I saw more wolves and wolf tracks during deer season than deer. We're allowed to shoot them in most places up here though, as long as the township does not border Algonquin Provincial Park. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest tarbaby Posted December 14, 2006 Report Share Posted December 14, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack one incident like that and people start firing away at wolves. they were living before that guy was and were living in this country long before man. There is not enough research done on the wolf/deer populations to conclude that they are the reasoning behind supposedly low deer populations. People need to learn that we have to live with the wild and not against it. These wolves are just surviving... the same thing that you do every day. They probably crossed paths with the dogs and were hungry at the same time. The picture is disgusting and has no reason to be in that article. That is just giving tree hungers fuel. People need to sit back and look at the big picture of nature and wildlife and not just deer or other animals we hunt. The ecosystem has a natural balance and taking out a top predator like a wolf or mountain lion throws this balance off and we would pay later for it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Moose Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack There is no quick answer. I live up here in Nothern Manitoba against the Duck Mtns. I've had wolves and coyotes come into my yard on diferent occations to get my dog/cats. It's just part of living here. It's diferent here as wolves are part of our eco system and not introduced. I see wolf sign every day when deer hunting and yes wolves are a perfect killing machine. But they are opportunist first.they kill the young and the sick first the ones that won't survive the winter. As far as killing off all of the wildlife that dosen't happen here. Like I said befor they are a perfect killing machine and when they are on the hunt somthing dies. (And they are always on the hunt) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack [ QUOTE ] I agree. The wolves are doing what they know. It's called survival!! If we (people) were not in THEIR home things like this would not happen. I do feel sorry for the dogs but, we brought it on ourselves!! [/ QUOTE ] Yup that's right so let's all get the heck back in the cities where we belong! Oh that's right, the cities belonged to nature at one time too. Too bad......the evil humans are just simply going to have to go. Man, I haven't heard that argument since the last time I spoke to an animal rights activist or a tree-hugger. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hunter36 Posted December 17, 2006 Report Share Posted December 17, 2006 Re: Idaho Wolves attack [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] The wolves are the essence of the wilderness and to lose them would devistate the ecosystem and set it off balance. [/ QUOTE ] How do you figure? They were exstinct for 100 years! We dont need them! These are Canadian wolves that were planted. I think the opposite of you. They were terminated for a reason to start with. Just my opinion! [/ QUOTE ] The were not extinct the were shot out of an area. Also, i dont see alot of people complaining about the relocation of other big game animals and the reintroduction of other big game animals. They are a predator and they kill things thats how it goes. Maybe the reintroduction will open up more hunting opportunities? And saying we should kill every one we see is rediculous!!! thats the kind of thinking that led to thier demise in the first place. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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