Is it Worth it.

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Okay I have been posting endlessly about my .300 win mag in this room since xmas and i have another question. Sorry guys, I just know I can rely on you guys. I have model 710 Rem and I topped it with a nikon buckmasters. I can shot the gun fine but after about 20-25 shots it hurts alot ( and thats with breaks in between empty clips). I plan to do some shooting with this gun over the summer and am looking to get into reloading. Is it worth it to put a muzzle break on this gun or will I run out of time with it before I get my $ worth. Thanx guys.

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Re: Is it Worth it.

AJ could probibly answer this better than me. I would think that the time that it spent at the gunsmith's would probibly be the deciding factor for me. If you can get it back in time to be ready for hunting season I would get it. I've heard that a good muzzle break will cut 75-80% of the recoil. Well worth the money if your shoooting a lot. I'm thinking about getting a 7mm-08 with a break for my daughter. The guy at the gun shop says the felt recoil is almost the same as a 223. 7mm is about 12 lbs without the break and 3 with it.

I don't care for recoil. My biggest gun is a 25-06 and if I ever get anything bigger it will have a muzzle break, or I'll get a gas operated semi.

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Re: Is it Worth it.

If you can't run with the big dogs........get rid of the magnum. Now you see the downside of a belted magnum chambered gun.

As far as getting the gun ported or a brake added, its up to you. Will it reduce the recoil? Yes, significantly. Will it make it appear louder? Yes, again significantly. There is a pressure wave that will hit you in the head when you shoot a gun that has a muzzle brake that takes some getting used to. Personally, I would rather have the recoil. I don't like things blown into my face. But, thats just me.

The difference in a ported barrel and a brake is the porting is usually done on the barrel. The most popular company that does this is Mag-na-port International. They use an electro discharge machine to make a set of two trapezoidal ports and two oval ports cut into the barrel. While this reduces muzzle flip and recoil, it is not as effective as a brake. The drawbacks to a port is velocity loss. How much depends on the chambering, barrel length, load, etc.


The brake is usually installed by threading the muzzle end of the barrel and screwing a piece of metal on that has a lot of holes that are more effective with regards to venting the expanding gasses. The drawbacks are the noise is now directed around the shooter, longer barrel length, ugly attachment, etc.

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Re: Is it Worth it.

I don't care if its ugly, just as long as it kills game the most effiecient way possible. I shot a box of ammo through the gun today and my shoulder is feeling pretty good. But I'm only 160 lbs soaking wet so I don't absorb the recoil as well as some of the "huskier" fellows. But I will take a brusied shoulder over velocity loss any day.

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Re: Is it Worth it.

So then if I'm reading you right the ported barrel is not as affective as the break and gives you a loss in performance. The break makes it louder than snot, kick like a jackrabbit instead of a mule and doesn't affect velosity?

Is that accurate?

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Re: Is it Worth it.


Wouldnt be shooting the magnum if it were causing me pain. Guess that in part is why I love the .270win. Not much recoil, can get ammo pretty well anywhere, and the corelokts cost about 12 bucks a box.

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I have to quote again on this one!! smile.gif

I can't understand this magnum craze! Everything I have shot, deer and elk, with either the 270, 308 or 30-06 are DEAD! How much deader would they have been if I had shot them with a MAGNUM?? NONE!!

The other thing is that I do NOT shoot over 300 yards! If it over that, that animal gets a free pass! 300 yards and under they are going to get some lead slung at them!!

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Re: Is it Worth it.


The other thing is that I do NOT shoot over 300 yards! If it over that, that animal gets a free pass! 300 yards and under they are going to get some lead slung at them!!

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So really even my 243 supremes that hit at around 1100lbs of energy at 300 yards is plenty for deer. Why would anyone want something as big as a 30-06 if they were just shooting deer? wink.gif

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Re: Is it Worth it.



The other thing is that I do NOT shoot over 300 yards! If it over that, that animal gets a free pass! 300 yards and under they are going to get some lead slung at them!!

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So really even my 243 supremes that hit at around 1100lbs of energy at 300 yards is plenty for deer. Why would anyone want something as big as a 30-06 if they were just shooting deer? wink.gif

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If they are just shooting deer, the 243 is fine. Where I hunt, we hunt for both elk and deer and the 243 is pretty light for an elk!

You certainly do NOT need a MAGNUM for deer! If you do use one, you are going to loose a lot of meat and have a big mess field dressing it! frown.gif

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