Ontario Trophy Bucks is up and running

Shane G

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It is finally up and running, this is why I was wanting People who had harvested a buck from Ontario. www.ontariotrophybucks.com this website will showcase bucks province wide . If you have taken a good buck from Ontario that you are proud of, check out the site. If you like what you see email me a pic and be on one of the gallery pages. No outfitters are on this site pushing hunts ( and that includes myself) This is purely Ontario bucks by the everyday hunter like myself.

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Re: Ontario Trophy Bucks is up and running

shane you are correct. I've always assumed that the nite time photo was the actual poacher. But you are correct, that was someone who found the buck (as you stated, a resident). Thanks for the clarification.

doh, carry on!

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Re: Ontario Trophy Bucks is up and running

Yes Ibeleive that the gentleman ib the night time photo now works for the MNR or somethig along those lines. Sad enough this deer was poached but it will also never be entered in the record books. as a result of being poached.

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