**Scored on a blacktail buck**


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Re: **Scored on a blacktail buck**

Update on arrow

I went back the next morning to fetch my broken arrow. I found out while I was hanging the deer that my broadhead was almost poking through the shoulder hide on the oposite side of the deer.

It entered perfectly for a mid double-lung through a rib, but since the buck was quartering slightly away, it hit the shoulder on the other side and almost made it all the way through. I pulled the broadhead out of the shoulder with ease after skinning.

No harm to my Montec G5 though laugh.gif

I watched a small 2x2 guarding a doe in the field from a little spiker, while I waited for the deer to clear the field, so I could fetch my arrow. Looks like he thinks he's king of the farm now...LOL

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Re: **Scored on a blacktail buck**


spare us the close up of your mug next time, eh?

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Yeah..scared me too grin.gif 3legs was taking the photo while I was looking into a bright light on my porch. I got one picture in the field of the buck laying there, but the batteries went dead.

I'll have to remember to stop looking over my glasses like that, for photo's ...LOL...kinda scarey looking dude for sure. blush.gif ...sorry bout dat eh

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Re: **Scored on a blacktail buck**

LOL..you want a mouthful?...try saying 'Beautiful big blacktail buck buckee' ..ten times, really fast ... grin.gif

Thanks guys..He wasn't that big, but he is mature and the one I decided on, and with a bow, from the ground, at 20 yrds, that makes him my trophy wink.gif

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