Another Oklahoma Buck Down........


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Check this dude out gang....

This buck has 13 scoreable points

He field dressed 146lbs

His G-3's are 13 inches and he has a 18 inch inside spread...

Roadkill10 (Mike) shot this buck Thursday morning at 9am.

I figure the buck will score some where around 150....

Oh and folks!

This isn't the big one either....

I hope to have that buck down soon to share with everyone....


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Re: Another Oklahoma Buck Down........

Yeah! He's a dandy alright.....

While Mike was taking care of this buck. I took the time to relocate his stand....LOL

In the middle of a open field, that has 1 small tree in it and 500 head of cows...LOL

All kidding aside....

I set him up in a area that I'm hunting and he took this buck in there.

It was fun to share the excitment with Mike when he got the buck and I would do it again at a drop of a hat....

That's just the kind of guy I am....

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Re: Another Oklahoma Buck Down........

LMBO@VTbowman... grin.gifgrin.gif

Mike's computer is down so I thought I would post a pic for

It's my duty as a fater-in-law... :grin

Oh and VT....

I'm still working on the bigger one for the team... smile.gif

Man I'll tell yall one thing....

This buck went to the boys

Just because he got this buck now he thinks he's another Bill smirk.gif

I still have alot of work ahead of me and try to straighten this boy out.... grin.gif

If there is any hope....LOL grin.gif

I may have to get me a big hammer and beat in him...LMBO grin.gif

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Re: Another Oklahoma Buck Down........

My brother is the same way now that he has his one and only doe via his bow. Now he thinks he can pick and choose all year long and go get that specific deer. Yea right! Not in VT....

You get what cha get and thats that. And thats if your lucky to get close enough.

Keeps telling me hes a real "hunter" now. LOL

Ifn it wasn't for me putting him on the deer he'd still be a tree stand "baby-sitter"... LOL

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Re: Another Oklahoma Buck Down........

Very nice buck Roadkill10! Congrats

griz it sure sounds like Mike needs a new hat for Christmas. Sounds like the other one is wayyyyy too small now.

LMAO at you and VTbowman. There is a cure for those swollen heads but it isn't fun for them. wink.gif

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