As today is the BIGGEST shopping day


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Re: As today is the BIGGEST shopping day

Just went threw the cableas catolog under orders from the mother-in-law so she can get it all ordered asap.

I got me picked out a rain parka and pants since I have yet to get any real rain gear and sick of spraying my regular camo with camp spray... LOL

Umm...a 12v solar panel to rig up to my Stealth Cam (that she bought me last year)

And.....some Carhartt jeans since my one pair is wearing thin in the seat. (thats my wifes pic for me..) LOL

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Re: As today is the BIGGEST shopping day

I ALWAYS have a list ready! LOL I got tired of getting presents I didn't want and would never use, so I now give my fiance a detailed list including the store the item can be found at, what color, size, ect. and have even been known to add directions inside the store to get to it!

I want a:

digital game camera

ruger 44 mag.

snow pants for ice fishing

fly pole

beyond paradise by estee lauder (smells incredible!)

gift certificate to my favorite spa(have been asking for this for years now, but my other half says he will wrap me in mud for free LOL)

Bigger storage memory card for my camera

35 mm camera for "real" picture taking

Cat quiver

fleece hunting socks

I think that will about do it, I am not holding my breath on the gun, but everything else is probably doable!

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