Two for One!

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So I'm watching the U.S. Open and I peek outside and notice a groundhog real close to my property, too close for me, even though the tournament was winding down. So I load the .22 and figure next commercial I'll go pop him. Next commercial comes and I slink out (as much as 250lbs. can slink crazy.gifgrin.gif) and I set up on the pig. I poke my head up through the weeds and notice he's still making his way towards me, so I bring the gun up, take aim and POP! Two chucks roll on their backs and start quivering! cool.gif I never even saw the one behind the one I was aiming at. So I scrambled back into the house to watch the tournament and next commercial I go out to flop the kill over on their backs for the vultures to claim.

I get 1/2 way out there and I notice one chuck is stradling the other chuck, and as I get closer I notice the one on top is still alive. Almost looked like he was doing CPR on the dead one, lol. As I approached he ran away, so I figure I'll leave that one for another day and I flopped the dead one over.

That was pretty cool. Don't know where I hit the second one. If I had it to do over, I would have put an insurance shot into both of them, but it is only June, and you have to spread out the fun, eh? grin.gif

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