Conspiracy Theory: ESPN Poll on Dart-Gun Hunt Tour


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Conspiracy Theory: ESPN Poll on Dart-Gun Hunt Tour

ESPN Outdoors has this poll up on its website:

A new sports league has designs on deer hunting as a competition, using tranquilizer darts. Are you in favor?

As of 2:50 this afternoon 3,398 poeple had voted and the results were shocking: 56% voted YES and supported the tour; 44% were against it.

Conspiracy theories are flying, that the WHA has somehow rigged the voting. A guy at, a site for traditional archers, posted this:

"Just wrote this to ESPN's technical website support...I wanted you to be aware that your website has apparently been hacked. I am referring to the hunting poll for the so-called "World Hunting Organization's" tranquilizer hunting scheme. Please remove the poll or have it monitored...for every "no vote", someone has written an automated script on a server to automatically submit multiple "yes" votes, therefore tipping the balance of the poll. This scheme of so-called "hunting" has produced such an uproar in the true hunting community that tons of sponsors are now facing professional boycotts from numerous organizations and individuals. Your prompt attention to this matter is truly appreciated.”

Considering how 100% of us ZONERS think the WTT (World Tranquilizer Tour, my new name for it) is a joke, considering that many of the tour's sponsors have quit and are running for the hills, considering that Cabela's and other giants in the industry will have nothing to do with it, it is mind-boggling to me that 56% would support the pro hunt league. I don’t know about a conspiracy, but get your butt over there and vote! Scroll all way down the screen, the poll is on the bottom right.

UPDATE Tuesday June 13, 9:17 PM

Never blow off a conspiracy theory again! This WTDHT--World Tranquilizer Deer Hunting Tour--story keeps getting weirder and weirder. The tech folks at have pulled the poll. They said it was pretty obvious that something nefarious was afoot--the votes came in at far too fast a rate, unlike they've ever experienced before. The last word I just got was that the ESPN poll was definitely hacked! We were right all along at the ZONE, no way hunters would back a pro-dart tour. More to come later on this whole fiasco.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory: ESPN Poll on Dart-Gun Hunt


I place absolutely no validity in any Internet poll. They might be interesting, but there's no scientific or statistical accuracy. It's far too easy to circumvent whatever controls are in place that supposedly restrict the voting to only one vote per person.

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I agree. Thanks for the link buckee and the info. smile.gif

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Guest fishermanwhohunts

Re: Conspiracy Theory: ESPN Poll on Dart-Gun Hunt

If this is a big conspiracy, they are going to shoot someone, and not with a dart gun.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory: ESPN Poll on Dart-Gun Hunt

There is a little silver lining in this dark cloud after all. At least with these jerks trying to fly under out banner, it lets us speak out against these nacicistic jerks and denounce them for the farce and unethical group that they are. They are starting to make us look even more of a pleasable alternative to the undecided public and cute cuddly tree huggers. We have been given a chance to talk about the difference between real hunters and these folks that are frowned upon severely by the hunting community as a whole.

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