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Last Friday was prolly one of the worst weather days Ive ever had hunting, and was sure the worst opening day for shotgun season ive had. It was 35-40 degress, heavy fog, misting, wind blowing 15-25. Add that onto how bad I was suffering from the flu I thought about staying in bed and not going out. IM very happy I went out. I saw this guy across the ridge from me working down to a creek bottom where he beds down. He never made it. The week prior to shotgun season Id seen this deer, with 13 scoreable points. When I got him is G2 and G3 on his right side we broken and his right main bean was broken after his G4. Still will probably score in the mid 140's with his 10 points now. We weighed him and had him aged at the check station here in Jo Daviess county, 6.5 years old and 285 dressed. PICS

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Ted. I was thinking the exact same thing about who he got into a fight with. The day after I shot that guy my brother shot a really nice 155in class 10 pt not 50 yards from where I got this guy, but he didnt have any broken tines at all, just the luck of the draw I guess. They will look nice on the wall together

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