We lost a Brother


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We can thank Luke for this wonderful picture tribute, to our hunting brother Jody Crum , who will be no longer with us. frown.giffrown.gif We hear about tragedy in families on the news every single day of our lives, but it never prepares our heart enough, when it touches close to home.

He was taken so young and needlessly. It breaks my heart, as I know it does everyone here.

Please pray for Peace, comfort and strength in the Crum families time of need.

If anyone can provide me with the address of the Crum family, it would be much appreciated.


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Re: We lost a Brother

It's definately a SAD day in the world, to lose someone that is so young, and dedicated to what he set forth to accomplish.. frown.giffrown.gif

What really put me down the most was the article written, in thier local paper about this young man... So I'm going to post it here so all can read what this young man was about....

Community supports crash victim’s family

Teen killed Friday, days short of graduation from Walkersville High

Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Walkersville community has rallied to support the family of Jody A. Crum, 18, of Walkersville, who died in a car crash on Friday.

Almost 1,000 people stopped by Stauffer Funeral Home Tuesday to express condolences, Crum’s sister, Angie, said.

Crum’s brother, Brian, said more than 150 people have dropped by his parents’ house in the last few days to bring food and offer their help. And several hundred well-wishers came to a memorial lunch at the New Midway Fire Hall after Crum’s funeral and burial at Union Chapel Cemetery in Frederick, on Wednesday to show their support. Many were his classmates at Walkersville High School.

Crum would have graduated from Walkersville High on June 7, had his life not been cut short Friday.

According to Maryland State Police reports, a van driven by Roman Rebkovets of Hagerstown failed to stop at a red light and crashed into Crum’s Ford truck. Crum’s truck rolled into the intersection at Md. Route 550 and Md. Route 194 and collided with another van driven by Janet Sean of Rockville. Crum was partially ejected from his truck as a result of the collision, according to police. He was airlifted by a police helicopter and taken to shock trauma in Baltimore, where he died.

Crum was born of Feb. 15, 1988, in Gettysburg, Pa., and was the son of Joe and Kim Crum.

‘‘Whatever he did, he did right or not at all,” Jody’s brother, Ricky, 12, said.

A seventh-grader at Walkersville Middle School, Ricky recalled how his brother taught him to hunt and how to use a gun.

‘‘The brothers were so close—they all went hunting together,” their father, Joe, said.

Brian, 26, said he and his brother had been planning a hunting trip to Montana together for three years, and were just waiting for Jody to finish school.

‘‘I coached him as a soccer player from the time he was 10 all the way through high school,” Brian said. ‘‘We went hunting together, and if we weren’t hunting we were talking about hunting, or getting ready to go hunting.”

Brian said Jody was mature beyond his years.

‘‘For so long, I was always looking out for him, and day in and day out he always made the right decisions, and then you realized he was looking out for you,” Brian said. ‘‘... He was more mature than most guys I know my age.”

Crum’s employer and mentor Paul Green said Jody started working for him at Green Glade Welding in Walkersville two summers ago, when he was off from school. Since January, Jody worked there full-time through a work-study program at school.

‘‘He was just a really bright kid,” Green said. ‘‘His mind just absorbed everything. You could just tell him something one time, and he would get it. ... I thought of him like a son. He was quiet, and he never let his emotions show. If something didn’t go right, he just went on with it.”

Angie Crum said her brother was outgoing, though he was quiet.

‘‘He didn’t talk a lot, but he was always helping people,” Angie said. ‘‘He was outgoing in his actions. When he spoke, people listened.”

Many of Crum’s school friends and classmates came to a lunch at the New Midway Fire Hall to support his family after the funeral and to remember Jody’s life.

Matt Wolfe, 17, lived near Crum. The two often went four-wheeling together, he said.

‘‘He was very competitive, and was always the first to try things like stunts or new trails,” Matt said. ‘‘He made new trails. I could always count on hearing that four-wheeler from my front porch, even if I didn’t go riding that day.”

John Fogle, 16, was a pallbearer at Crum’s funeral.

‘‘If you ever needed a hand, he was there to help you,” said Fogle, a junior at Walkersville High. ‘‘He was so caring — he would help you with any problem.”

Jody’s mother, Kim, said the family has been heartened by the support shown by the community.

‘‘It’s unbelievable how many lives that boy touched,” she said. ‘‘Whatever he set out to do, he succeeded.”

Jody’s father, Joe, said his son was on the agricultural mechanics team at his school and had recently won first place in the individual state agricultural mechanics competition.

‘‘He had a gift, that it didn’t matter what he did, he would do it right,” Joe Crum said. ‘‘He tore his four-wheeler down and put it back completely before his accident.”

Kim Crum said her son dreamed of opening his own welding shop one day. ‘‘He could work on anything,” she said.

My prayers and thoughts got out to this young mans family.....

R.I.P. Jody ,, You will be missed here in our ranks of the Hunting World...

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Re: We lost a Brother


...Jody’s mother, Kim, said the family has been heartened by the support shown by the community.

‘‘It’s unbelievable how many lives that boy touched,” she said.

......R.I.P. Jody ,, You will be missed here in our ranks of the Hunting World...

[/ QUOTE ]

His memorial Picture is getting printed, it's going in the rifle case, and going on the next hunt!!!

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Guest Bowhunter2114

Re: We lost a Brother

A big thanks to everyone... I don't know how anyone gets through times like these. Every night I go to sleep and tell myself he is no longer with us, but every morning I wake up and expect to see or talk to him. As some one mentioned in a post earlier, he will be the breeze that blows this fall when I am in my stand.

Thank you Luke for the Pic, and to everyone else for your thoughts and prayers.

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