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things that I think would make this a better place would be:

1.) Topic hover preview and a last post preview (when hovering over the last post link)

2.) Make photos easier. I think this is best accomplished by allowing one to "Attach" photos to a post (kinda like email) in addition to the ubb link option.

3.) syndicate posts with RSS

4.) Make it so you can click 2 search links back to back without having to wait or get this error.


5.) Make the history of posts infinite so that you can scroll back beyond a couple pages. Also make it so you can search for info all the way back to the beginning (not 6 months max).

6.) Make the menu drop downs more friendly.

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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)


I'd like to see a forum just for Elk or for 'Western Hunting' including Mule Deer and Elk. That might increase the number of posts and chatter about those topics. Elk don't deserve being stuck in with bigfoot and feral hogs.

It is a great site and I appreciate that it is tightly moderated.


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I hang out in a couple other small time outdoor forums, one is and the other is

One thing I really like is that there is a room for each state. I can go there and discuss New York issues with other New York sportsmen. I don't know how hard it would be to add a room for each state but if you visit one of the links I gave you and go to their forums I bet you can find out.

Thank you for asking for our opinion.


[/ QUOTE ]I like that idea a lot Ranger. I would also like to see a custom call making room in the forum.


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Personally, I think a room for each state would take away the family and friendship aspect of this forum.

JMO wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Good point but there are issues that effect each state that people from other states don't care about or want to hear us whine about.

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personally I like the family atmosphere here in the forums and whatever happens if that goes away I go away! ... I know its a hunting forum but that really attracts more then it detracts to this forum. I know we have disgussed this tot he "bitter" end but if there was some way to make a "adult conversation" room that would be great ... and I dont mean rauncy or anything like that just conversation maybe a child shouldn't see or read about ... also maybe make some different emotions ... the ones that are available are from like the 80's lol ... other then that you guys do a great job of running these forums and I hope they dont change all that much ...


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Not sure I would change much, this forum is one of the best on the net because we all tend to get along. We don't have riff raff here and if we do they get talked to or they get the boot. That comes from great moderators and great members.

I do like the part where you can see a thread and by hovering your cursor it it shows what the post is about, that is neat but 9 times out of 10 I am going to click on it and see what its about. We have guys like SRA and its hard to see where that boy is going with his posts! LOL!

I like the lay out, maybe make adding pictures even easier so you don't have to go from picture post to the forum or maybe I just do it wrong.

Overall I think the place is great, then again having great people on it and having people willing to listen to our concerns makes it the greatest hunting forum on the internet! Bill Jordan should be proud of this and I am sure he is! smile.gif

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I miss seeing in red how many posts have elapsed since your last visit, that was a cool feature

[/ QUOTE ]

That was a cool feature!



6.) Make the menu drop downs more friendly.

[/ QUOTE ]

The drop down menus are a pain! When you go to log out and if the cursor just touches it, it drops down and then you have to wait till it goes back up! On the main web page I can see it, but not in the forums. We all know whats there. Seems like more of a marketing thing for us to buy more stuff.

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As for the forums:

......... I miss the little dude that could roll his eyes, he's better than this guy ----> smirk.gif. I miss seeing in red how many posts have elapsed since your last visit, that was a cool feature..........

[/ QUOTE ]

Me, too........what he said.

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I think the forums are fine as they are except for that big black space to the right. The drop down boxes are a hassle. As for the home page I'd like to see more stories of everyday people and their adventures. A little less on the marketing hype. Start looking at hunting for what it should be. Get back to the reasons we hunt instead of the sales pitch at every turn.

And yes, it would not hurt at all to see Waddell, Blanton, and even the grand pubah himself in these forums more often. No excuse for them not to share with those who put the bling$ in their bank. We're all busy!!!

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hey Scott...

can you switch something on here so that i can get on at work too???? blush.gifgrin.gif......funny thing is (until we were restricted at work) i'd post away on here.....not any more.... the only thing i can't figure out is how come can i log in at Archerytalk or the Nuge Board but not RT's settings different???

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Personally, I think a room for each state would take away the family and friendship aspect of this forum.

JMO wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Good point but there are issues that effect each state that people from other states don't care about or want to hear us whine about.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like the family aspect of the forums too but I don't want to tie up the deer hunting room when I want to debate the blaze orange or crossbow issues in our state. If I want to ask where to go fishing in PA I could toss it in the fishing and HOPE someone from PA may see it or post it in the PA Room where PA residents hang out. The Lounge isn't going anywhere and we can still be one big (sort of) happy family grin.gif

Also, what is up with the Realtree Dealer Forum. Is that dead or what?


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Personally, I think a room for each state would take away the family and friendship aspect of this forum.

JMO wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Good point but there are issues that effect each state that people from other states don't care about or want to hear us whine about.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like the family aspect of the forums too but I don't want to tie up the deer hunting room when I want to debate the blaze orange or crossbow issues in our state. If I want to ask where to go fishing in PA I could toss it in the fishing and HOPE someone from PA may see it or post it in the PA Room where PA residents hang out. The Lounge isn't going anywhere and we can still be one big (sort of) happy family grin.gif

Also, what is up with the Realtree Dealer Forum. Is that dead or what?


[/ QUOTE ]

I would really like to see a state room on this forum also. I think it would be a great benifit

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I agree with most of the comments. I think a region forum such as the SouthEast, Northeast, Great Lakes area, Cornbelt, Midwest, etc, etc. would be great. I think an easier way to post pics on here is definately called for. I have been trying for a while now to put pics with my posts but with no luck and I don't want to bother the Mods with the questions. It's just a really big hassle for people to do this. As far as the site goes, I would like to see more than one story featured per week say like every 2-3 days instead of waiting for an entire week to read a new set of articles. Don't get me wrong, the articles are great but they are sometimes short and you then have to wait a week to see a new one. I also get tired of looking at the same 2 pictures for a week. Like when SHOT was going on.....OH MY GOD did I get tired of reading about it and seeing the same indiscernable pictures. A pro's corner where you could ask questions and get answers straight from any of the pros would be great. In other words we want to hear from guys like Blanton, Jordan, Waddell, Turner, Foxworthy and the like so we can see our questions posted and answered by the guys and gals we look up to. I know that Waddell, Jordan and Blanton will be bombarded with questions but they only have to answer a few a week and maybe they can even answer a bunch in advance so when you guys are afield we don't miss any good advice. Even if questions are directed at the "Big 3" others can answer them and give good advice as well. Communication with us is key to keeping our loyalties. We are just common folk, so actually seeing a question attributed to us is a great experience and makes us feel like we are a part of Realtree. One site you may want to check out is They have new articles almost every day and I feel communicate very well with their fans. That's what we are is fans. We are loyal because we like the patterns and people. In fact, that could be your new catch phrase. "Realtree. We're just patterns and people." A neat feature might be if you added a video short once a week or every couple of days to your home page. Or you could give video tips from the pros every week and store them so you can go back and refer to them later. Gain a collection of Tips from your pros and show video of them explaining the tip with actual footage of what they mean. I think a collection of Travis Turner showing you how to shoot or fix your bow or tune your arrows or a miriad of other pros showing you just how to do things would be almost revolutionary to fans of Maybe they would only last a minute or two but that would be worth a million words. Or show how to locate a good stand site for certain types of terrain and what all goes into your choices. Anything to allow us to interact with you guys by seeing and hearing what goes on at Thanks and sorry for the longwindedness.

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