
Guest huntinsanobsession

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Re: moderators

Harass us for swearing or getting around the program that " **** " all our cuss words.

Like writing "Nice Try VT Bowman" and the like.. LOL shocked.gifgrin.gif

They move posts to where they should of been posted and monitor heated topic debates to make sure individuals do not get out of hand and start bashing or name calling, etc..

Forum memebers can be kicked off the forums if they are deemed trouble makers.

We had a bunch come in from another hunting forum out west and start to rile us all up by bashing are different ways we hunt and what type of deer and size we take, etc.

But mainly they just harass us.... LOL tongue.gif

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Re: moderators



If we keep out the trouble makers, then how did vtbowman and dogdoc manage to get their posts in here?

[/ QUOTE ]Lock your posts due to wasting space in a thread! But some are allowed to have useless threads

[/ QUOTE ]

Add LifeNRA to that little blacklist ...LOL grin.gif

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Re: moderators

I've already mis-spoken once this month and don't want to go over my monthly limit so I think I'll skip this one and say nothing.....LOL.....Not!!!!!! I want something free ( A HAT WOULD BE NICE ) Vtbowman shot my darn deer !!!!! LOL....I want compensation......Moderators are to be taken in moderation....Ooooops ! Me Bad !!

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Re: moderators

They help keep these forums straight. They are here to help, take out troublemakers, keep the forums clean for folks of all ages, etc.

That's about the best desciption I can give. Most have been onboard for years now. Occasionally we add one when we see a need. Unfortunately, there is low turnover and we do have a long list of folks who want to be one. There are many who probably deserve to be one, but we only have so many slots.

All I can say is put your name on the list and maybe one day we can fit you in. S

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