WOW...$39 Ghillie suit


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Re: WOW...$39 Ghillie suit



$39 plus 5 hours of assembly...

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LOL...More like $39....5 hours plus assembly before you give up and spray the netting with glue while its hanging over the clothesline and throw the jute in it's direction grin.gif

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waaaaahahahahaha....that's funny right there grin.gif

i can't imagine wearing one of those things when its 85 degrees out....mosquitoes swarming... crazy.gif

maybe you go "commando" underneath it all.... blush.gif


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Re: WOW...$39 Ghillie suit



$39 plus 5 hours of assembly...

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LOL...More like $39....5 hours plus assembly before you give up and spray the netting with glue while its hanging over the clothesline and throw the jute in it's direction grin.gif

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lol, that probably is what I would end up doing. No joke.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: WOW...$39 Ghillie suit


So...has anyone ordered one of these yet?

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No...We're waiting to see if you pull your hair out over the one You order first. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Actually I know a guy who did on another board and other than taking longer than the instructions said it would to put together he liked his..I'll try to find the pic of it wink.gif

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