In Oklahoma, Ban on Guns...State vs. Big Firms


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Re: In Oklahoma, Ban on Guns...State vs. Big Firms

Im probably am not gonna be real popular here but I agree with the companies to some extent, as soon as that car gets on thier property the guns do become thier problem.If for some reason someone were to go off the deep end and start shooting people which dont seem to take much these days, the company could be held just as responsible as the guy with the gun for allowing them to have them on the property in the first place.I dont know if its really the companies being anti gun as much as it is the company covering thier own butt from frivilous lawsuits.

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Re: In Oklahoma, Ban on Guns...State vs. Big Firms

Im not saying I think its right, Im just saying I can understand the companies position on it.Allowing guns on the properties gotta carry a pretty good liability with it.On the other hand since the court ruled it legal the company shouldnt have to worry about it now, people get to keep thier guns in the car and the companies not responsible for the court ruling, everyone should be happy grin.gif

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Re: In Oklahoma, Ban on Guns...State vs. Big Firms

Every job I have ever held restricted the carrying of firearms in vehicles on their property. I don't see how a state can pass a law that trumps a private employers rules and basically saying that people can do what they want on their property, thats like the State of NC saying that I can go onto the property behind me and legally hunt even though I have no idea who owns the land. I don't see this law sticking IMO.

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Re: In Oklahoma, Ban on Guns...State vs. Big Firms


My work has the right and does enforce it very much! We are not allowed to keep any guns in our cars or trucks! We had a break in a few years ago, a guys handgun was stolen. They fired him! Because he was not supposed to have a gun on work property!

[/ QUOTE ] And that's why the policy is there. This wouldn't be too far fetched a situation in todays society, but lets suppose the thief stole the gun then killed several people at your place of work. After said event, the family of several of the victims sues the company for allowing the gun to be on the property in the first place. Personally, I wish we didn't have to worry about these types of scenarios, but we do, and not much will change it. I remember my friend's dad talking about going hunting before school started, and after it got out, and just carrying their rifle in the truck with them to school, and leaving it there. Nowadays, the student would be arrested for such an action.

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