1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...

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Got the neighbor out today to do some tractor work.

Had my plot sprayed and mowed over the last 3 weeks.

Just broke ground today and planted.

Since the only thing in there was field hay I am not to worried about anything weedy coming back up that the clover and trefoil wont choke out or that the deer dont already eat.

Here is the brown and mowed pic.


Here it is tilled, smoothed out and planted. He went back over it again to bed the seed.


We are forecasted to get rain the next 3 days so I hope it happens for a change. LOL

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Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...


Looks good.

I'm betting you're going to get some weeds in there though, not being negative, just warning you. wink.gif

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Surprizingly there were very few weeds in there before I started. Seems like 95% field grass a clover already. cool.gif

Always looked like a natural food plot but of coarse I had to mess with it. smirk.gifgrin.gif

If that stuff grows back I dont care since the deer were already eating it.

Now my other plot.... crazy.gif

The one full of golden rod and ferns, that one will get sprayed a couple more times. crazy.gifwink.gif LOL

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Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...


Vt, what'd your neighbor use to disc the ground? Looks like it was sod...tough to break up or not?


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I do not know what the name of the thing was but it was a small drum like roller that spun clockwise, or backwards to the direction the tractor was driving. The drum had small "bumps" on it and was powered up or down for height, or depth, adjustment.

It smoothed everything out like it was a hot kinfe threw butter. Rocks; everything were "raked" off the area like nothing.

Once I spread my seed he went back over it it "lightly" bed the seed under, or mix up the top 1/2" of soil.

It is a sweet rig...

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Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...


I do not know what the name of the thing was but it was a small drum like roller that spun clockwise, or backwards to the direction the tractor was driving. The drum had small "bumps" on it and was powered up or down for height, or depth, adjustment.

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Sounds kind of like a rotary harrow. A company named farnam used to and might still sell a couple different types of rotary harrows. My neighbor has one he uses in his pasture.

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Guest Bob_D

Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...

Looks great Shawn. I'll have to take a look at it in a few weeks when you start getting some green stuff coming up.

Sounds like he has a harley rake.

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Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...

Yes it is a Harly Rake.

I went over today to check on that since it was bugging me on the name.

Its one heck of a piece of equipment and works wonders for a seed bed.

He said it cost him around $7k and he already paid fro itself in the joibs he has done with them.

He does landscaping and various other land projects...

Does my stuff for free thankfully. LOL

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Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...

Yes I was very impressed with it myself. It was the 1st time I had seen one work.

Its hard to tell from the 1st pic but there were some serious holes, dips, and depressions in this spot, plus an old stump mount from a rotten birch stump.

This thing filled them in and smoothed it out nicely. Plus remove ALL rocks.

It was quite a job getting it mowed with the lawn tractor but I have no worries now.

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Re: 1st plot tilled, smoothed and planted...

looks good i agree with vt on the weeds though i use arrest herbicide works great kinda pricy though is trefoil a broadleaf if its not dont use arrest a good thing to remeber on weed control is keep it mowed once astablished at clover highth keeps the weeds from seeding

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