Buck fight gone bad


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Re: Buck fight gone bad

Another one I am going to have to wait for to load.

Sure do wish I had our camera with us when my daughter and I were on the youth hunt. Will never forget that fight between the deer she shot and the next biggest one on the field. Was unbelievable seeing first hand how much power and how intensely they can fight.

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Guest whitetailarcher

Re: Buck fight gone bad

Apparently the second one didn't make it? I'm kinda at a lost looks to me like it mighta been ok if it woulda just sat there and rested.

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Re: Buck fight gone bad

It appears that they drug the second buck into thicker cover so that it could rest. Not knowing all the details and exactly where this was at, kinda makes that part hard to understand. I think they did right by seperating the two and if dragging the one off into thicker cover for better protection helped it survive then hats off to them. To some folks that would have been an opportunity to put two deer in the freezer.

I have witnessed one major buck fight a few years back and its very intense to say the least.

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Re: Buck fight gone bad

If you look at the video, the buck standing has main beams that curve upward at the ends, the one in the pot does not. Different Deer. They were just tryin to be funny at the end and even though i was kinda 50/50 on it being funny or not, that is their way.

im gonna have to apologize to everyone on here, that post was supposed to go under the footage at the other website. i didnt see anyone get that upset about it over here. so i apologize that it came of kinda harsh.

But if anyone wants to look again just look at the main beams, as i mentioned above the live bucks main beams curl up at the end and the one in the pot does not.

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Re: Buck fight gone bad

i think the buck skull being boiled in the end of the movie is a diff. buck...after watching it again they are a lot differant...the other deer is way bigger than the buck being boiled...and when they picked the deer up and drug him off it was necessary so he could be in thicker cover so he could recover they did they right thing..

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Re: Buck fight gone bad

Without a doubt SuperMn106 is correct. I wasn't sure at first (I didn't think they would go through the effort of trying to free them, and then slaughter them when they are defenseless - and then release a video of it, but who knows) if they were the same deer or not, but after looking at the upward curve on the main beams, there is no doubt in my mind they were different antlers...not too mention I don't think a whole skull would fit in the small pot for a euro-mount. I think they were just trying to be funny about it. I think it is referring to the old joke about when you miss a deer, "you can have antler soup".

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