External power sources for trail cams


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Has anyone used a external power source for a trail cam?

Batteries are getting expensive and from where I have the trail cam set up, I could run a 100' extention cord to the camera and give it an indefinite amount of power.

The company that makes the trail cam offers a 12v battery kit , to externally power the unit, but they want $60 plus shipping! I am looking for a way to power this cam with out keeping Duracell in business grin.gif

Has anyone done anything like this?

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Guest whitetailarcher

Re: External power sources for trail cams

I use a 12 V. battery. The one from the company was also too expensive but I bout the same exact thing at a radio shack for $12 and just had to order the cables for $5. Works great. I'm not even sure how long I could leave it out, I know after 2 weeks it will still say full battery.

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Re: External power sources for trail cams

Re chargeables would work, but I am looking for low maintenance, and eventually the rechargeables lose their ability to take a charge. I have a deep cycle marine battery that I could hook it up too if I had to. I was looking for some kind of 120volt source.

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Re: External power sources for trail cams

rechargable c batteries can be found but are pricey. I thought you were looking for AA's, i have never had an issue with my nimh batteries losing their ability to keep a charge. the old ni-cad ones were infamous for this. solar chargers are a alternative, i have not gone this route because i'm not sure if they would get enough light in my woods to charge anything.


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Re: External power sources for trail cams


Remington, when times are good I'll go through 250+ pics in a 24hr period. AA's just don't cut it.

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I agree James...last night our trail cam took over 108 pics in less than 8 hours. With activity like that any battery could get run down. I am gonna look into something with a 120v source and a 12v transformer for the cam.

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Re: External power sources for trail cams

Initially I had an external 6V battery/charger from Stealth Cam which worked pretty well. I used it throughout last Fall and this Wisconsin winter. It wasn't until this Spring when the battery began to run dry on me. So, being the creative man that I am...I went to walmart. The kids section. I found a 6V PowerWheels battery with charger for around $30.00. I took 600 pictures with that setup throughout the month of May/Early June before I recharged it (not because I had to, but because it was a convenient time to do so).

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Re: External power sources for trail cams

I dont get why the dont have a rechargeable batterie in them, im not talking about having rechargable batteries to put in it, im talking about something like the batteries the have in lap tops, or cell phone, they are rechargeable, all you have to do is plug em in, I think that would be the best idea. just my .02

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Re: External power sources for trail cams

Slug, I drive a solid half hour each way to where I have my cameras located. If I were to have to take my camera in to charge, then bring it back out after being charged it's going to cost me an extra hour at the very least in driving, plus I have to find a convenient time to bring the camera back. It's just not feasable.

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Re: External power sources for trail cams

yes i have....for my stealth cam digital i have a stealth cam 9 v batter for it and it works great it has a 10' cord on it...and its plenty of cord considering i just put it right next to the tree.. it costs 40 bucks at Gander Mountain...The batteries last a long time as well...i highly reccomend it!

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