Deer CoCain

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Re: Deer CoCain

Some times it takes them a little time to find minerals. Best results I have had have ben with sites setup near well used trails where the ground is pretty flat and will hold some water. Loosen the soil or dig just enough of a hole for the minerals to set down in and not run over.

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Re: Deer CoCain


Watch out where you put that stuff. If you get caught, it is illegal in Illinois to put that stuff out. I do not care personally, I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you didn't know already.

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This is on our property in Wisconsin i bought some for our land in illinois but havnt put it out yet. but if its illegal why can u buy it in the center of Illinois at Farm & Fleet confused.gif

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Re: Deer CoCain

Thats no different then buy items like the Draw Loc in IL or string tacking devices, not illegal to own, but illegal to use. Where I hunt the farmer has mineral licks out inside of his horse pastures that the horses are in. Thats legal to have out, and the deer do use it, but it is still illegal to hunt over

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Re: Deer CoCain



Watch out where you put that stuff. If you get caught, it is illegal in Illinois to put that stuff out. I do not care personally, I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you didn't know already.

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This is on our property in Wisconsin i bought some for our land in illinois but havnt put it out yet. but if its illegal why can u buy it in the center of Illinois at Farm & Fleet confused.gif

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That is kind of like here baiting with any type of supplemental type feed has to be removed 10 days prior from any place within view of where you plan to hunt. That in mind wal mart has "deer corn" in there stores all through the season crazy.gifconfused.gif.

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Re: Deer CoCain

You can still buy it in Illinois stores I know. Our local stores like that sells all the deer feed stuff too. They do have signs posted in our store here that say "know you local game laws before purchasing."

I assure you though it is illegal to have it out at anytime of the year. It used to be like "wtnhunt" said, where you just had to remove 10 days prior to hunting. However it has since been made illegal at all times of the year. It's actually listed on page 7 of the Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations.

Like I said before. No skin off my back I just wanted to give you the heads up.

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Re: Deer CoCain

It may take some time. I have hunted several different locations. Some they will hit it the first week and other times up to a year. The time were I had fast results were close to the Mississippi River. This may have something to do with the sandy soil close to the river. Also I think their diet can also effect how much sodium they need. I think soil type has alot to do with it. You can also put it out in a wrong spot but the deer will find it anywhere and start using it. One of our biggest best spot was a spot where my friend was hauling a 50 lb bag over his shoulder and slipped and dropped it. This became a really hot spot so we kept it up. cool.gif

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Re: Deer CoCain

i used it last year and didnt get any results... but im going to try it again this year... i dont know why... but people say it works good around here so... but another thing i used last year was whitetail addiction... in less then a week we had signs of deer and was all ripped up by a buck.

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