More On World Hunt Association!


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Re: More On World Hunt Association!

Believe me, that when that was found out it was a very heated debate on the Mathews Forum also. Brett himself said Mathews sponsors his target shooting and DOES NOT support his hunting at all. So, Mathews isn't dragged into this mess. wink.gif

Here is a link to that thread. The post by "MikeZ" is Mathews' stance on the issue.

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!

Ok, but if he is using the Mathews name in this so-called contest, I would be LIVID!!! JMO!!!

Ok. just went through all 5 pages of that link you posted. Doesnt sound like brett is backing down from this! He posted that he will no longer respond. Running away if you ask me! Scottyluck has valid questions as well! Still, I think Mathews should ask him to back down. Not good even though he premotes target and 3D shooting, still using the Mathews name! THATS IS WHAT COUNTS!!!! JMO!!!

Although, the remarks about the NRA not helping because its bowhunting, not true! The NRA not only helps gun owners, but the hunters that use those guns and ALL types of hunting!

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!

Bret Hankins' decision to be involved in this is not going to be good for Mathews, whether they are against the WHA or not, as long as Bret chooses to do this thing, and Mathews chosen to keep him on as a pro-staffer. People view pro-staffers as representaives of the company and what they do away from the company, still reflects on the company whether they like it or not.


by bhankins

Mathews is not sponsoring me for anything related to the WHA. My sponsorship is for 3D and indoor archery. The two are mutually exclusive. Personal attacks against me are not necessary.

Personal attacks are coming via e-mail and other means. I never approached Mathews or anyone else to sponsor me for this. As I said before what I do on the 3D range and indoor archery range has nothing to do with hunting. This is the last post you will see from me on this or any other forum.

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Bret can't even account for himself. Pretty sad for him, Mathews and hunting. These guys just don't realize how this whole thing is going to turn the world of hunting (as we know it today), upside down and sideways. frown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


Maybe/hopefully Mathews will drop him from any sponsorship.

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Actually I hope thats Not the case...

Brett has every right to make bad decisions(just like the rest of us have in our lives)...and He should be supported if he changes his mind and backs out of this so called competition.

I can understand how some people have been so strongly offended by Sponsors decisions to even begin supporting WHA. Some feel so strongly about it they wont even use these sponsors products after they have pulled there Sponsorship from WHA...thats their right. Is it possible they feel that sponsors, as adults, should have seen the "writing on the wall"???

Many of you all out there have children. When your raising them and you want them to continue doing any them, hold them up, keep them pointed in the right direction, etc...

Sponsors...Though they are not children they are "Dependant on Our Support" financially.

If we want to keep them from continuing to make poor them when they make the correct ones!

If Sponsors or Individuals continue to make poor decisions, like this one to be involved with WHA, their sticking their hand on the stove to see if it's hot....their not getting my financial support in any way to do so.


....But, I'm glad Mike said that Mathews doesn't support the WHA at all. wink.gifcool.gif

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I'm glad about that as well.

In which case they may be considering putting their "Child" in some Time Out!!!

I'm hopefull that they wont consider throwing his factory prostaff position away simply for making a bad decision.

However...If he continues to make this decision to be involved with the WHA...

Look For Another Place To Call Home mad.gif

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


Brett has every right to make bad decisions(just like the rest of us have in our lives)...and He should be supported if he changes his mind and backs out of this so called competition.

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Oh, I agree gary. If Bret decides to pull out of this thing, he would have my full support.

G5 and others, did the right thing and pulled out. As far as I'm concerned, that makes them an even better company in my books.

But, it's kinda hard to forgive something, if it isn't asked for, or there are no changes made..

I imagine Mathews will allow Bret to make his own bed and lay in it, in the end.

These folks who say they won't use a product now, even after the company has changed their minds and backed out, need to re-examine themselves, IMO crazy.gif

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


...These folks who say they won't use a product now, even after the company has changed their minds and backed out, need to re-examine themselves, IMO crazy.gif

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I can see how they feel that way...These sponsors are adults and should have been looking forward to the possible repercussions of their decisions to the Family(hunting).

On the other not supporting their final decision to Do the Right does not give them much incentive to make better, or more inline with the public majority view, decisions in the future.

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


My question is: Where were the original sponsors heads at in the first place? Were they looking at the same pages as the legions against the idea?

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Probably not....Our bottom line did not start with a $ sign.

Regardless of how this started out for some campanies, who only looked at this at first as accomplishing something they needed to do(make money),...I'm not going to scold them or even give them negative attention for finally starting to use the potty chair.

IMHO Positive Re-enforcement will get more done.

For those companies that continue to support the WHA they can keep what has ended up in their pants.

They wont get any of my attention and their not staying in the house...that is paid for by My Wallet!

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: More On World Hunt Association!

Let me ask a question and I know this is different than hunting but if Tiger Woods who is sponsored by Nike decides to say, wear a non Nike product to a sports event that has another logo on it, that is not sponsored by Nike, the event that is, should Tiger be hung?

Come on!!

If you get paid or represent a company for one thing, doing another that the company does not endorse should not be held against you. The company has already said we don't endorse it (WHA) but still stands by his shooting of a Mathews.

Or are you saying that he should go pick another manufacture's bow to shoot with? At what point is this obsurd just because you don't agree with WHA? Beat the snot out of the organization but not the individuals involved.

I think many times we help the enemy by arguing their point or even give them ammunition against us, by us doing thier anti-thinking for them.

This to me is similar to the nightly news telling us how to make Meth! I think this sort of news should be illegal similar to using trail cams to figure out he schedule of certain walkers as they walk down commonly used pedestrian walking paths to commit crimes against society. But they keep boadcasting it anyway just like some episodes of CSI.

The guy shoots a Mathews in comp. but not for the hunting side of the sport. Just leave alone!

Ammunition is dangerous as it sits there we don't need to add a can of black powder next to it.


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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


Let me ask a question and I know this is different than hunting but if Tiger Woods who is sponsored by Nike decides to say, wear a non Nike product to a sports event that has another logo on it, that is not sponsored by Nike, the event that is, should Tiger be hung?

Come on!!

If you get paid or represent a company for one thing, doing another that the company does not endorse should not be held against you. The company has already said we don't endorse it (WHA) but still stands by his shooting of a Mathews.

Or are you saying that he should go pick another manufacture's bow to shoot with? At what point is this obsurd just because you don't agree with WHA? Beat the snot out of the organization but not the individuals involved.

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Companies chose people to represent their products, who are respected by the community. That is what helps sell their products.

If Brett Hankins does this thing with WHA, he will lose most, if not all of the respect that many archers and the hunting community in general, have had for him over the years (respect that he no doubt has earned) and will no longer be a good representative for the company.

It doesn't matter if Mathews is for or against the WHA. It will come back to bite them, simply because Brett is a pro-staffer for them.

It's pretty simple really. No big marketing mystery. crazy.gif

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


If Tiger woods decided to wear a Non-Nike product to a sports event he would in all likelyhood lose his contract with Nike. If Nike does decide to separate this hypothetical matter from any contractual agreement. They are still going to be held to some responsibility because of his high profile public impression with their company.

But let's take this a step further...let's say that product has a majority of the golfing community up in arms because it has a very high probabilty to turn the entire Non-Golfing community against them.

Nike's Public image would get burnt by their inaction while trying to sit on the fence.

Still sound absurd?

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


The guy shoots a Mathews in comp. but not for the hunting side of the sport.

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So then your saying he shoots another manufactures bow to hunt with??? Yeah right! No matter how you look at this, he represents Mathews! Period!

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


...Ammunition is dangerous as it sits there we don't need to add a can of black powder next to it.


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...And the WHA has taken the cap off that BP...made a big pile, added a fuse, and has a lighter lit and is leaning towards the fuse saying "We're going to light this in Your House".

...Of course we could just stand by saying nothing...which would tell the world that their misled business venture is acceptable to us.

As for the sponsors...we stand by and say nothing about it...again it's acceptable to us.

All I have to spend on hunting equipement at times is small in comparison to some others...

Still...I'm not giving any of it to a company that's involved with WHA.

There's an old adage about making money in business that I remember:

"Find a that need"

WHA's attempting to Make a need and trying to fill it in the same breath...without respect for the Tradition their business venture could decimate.

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!

I haven't voiced anything in this discussion, but would like to add that I didn't notice any Realtree association with the WHA, I wonder if Mr. Jordan had a sit down with his Pro Staffers and layed out his guidelines to this so called Trophy Hunt...

It would be very interesting to hear his views on this topic, even if it was conveyed through Scott... and I haven't heard a peep out of any of the RT Pro Staffers on this subject as well,, I would love to hear thier views on this...

Is there a GAG ORDER in place, or is it they are staying neutral ???

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!



Is there a GAG ORDER in place, or is it they are staying neutral ???

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Be assured, Realtree is against this.

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You know that Steve, and I know it,, wink.gif

But not everyone here doe's, I still would like to hear RT's position when it comes to thier Pro Staff....

Nothing like hearing it from the horses mouth persay... wink.gif

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: More On World Hunt Association!

Guys,don't get me wrong I'm not with this WHA what-so-ever. But I'm not one to say that a company "owns" you unless you are specifically misrepresenting their company while you are suposed to be doing your job as discribed by the specific contract.

If you/he are not "working", in this case shooting comp. and the contract that you as well as the company does not safeguard against this then all is fair in love and war. Go for it.

Ever vote for a President that smoked pot or snorted cocaine? You see where I'm going.

And just for the record. Tiger did about 2 years ago get caught with a pr of socks manufactured for Rebok.

He was not representing Nike that day and still has his job. Must be Nike was not so anal but from what I understand 2nd hand will be more carful in the future.

It still is not written in his contract that he can't do it.

As far as real hunters. I think Tennessee just allowed hunters to shoot off of 4-wheelers. Does that make them not "real" and anything less if they do so.

As I said, we beat our ownselves up, why do the anit's need to try.

VThunter, I really don't want to give the anti's any more ammo so therefore I don't want to know if there is a "GAG" order within the company of Realtree. Keep it quiet and no one will make an issue of it. Unless you would like the media to jump all over it. As I said, beating ourselves up again! If you see that no Realtree prostaffer gets involved in this WHA then just assume that something was said. Why must you hear it. Just like the evening news I guess.

Curiousity killed the cat, let's not have it kill we hunters as well or bring Realtree under the spotlight for curiousities sake.

Most of us are against this here, I'm sure. Let the issue die and let the management of the companies involved take over. You can only fill a deer carcass with just so many shots before you bring unwanted attention to it that the anit's love. I'm a one shot wonder here. One shot and they die! LOL

GWSmith, I understand business even though in the past I have played dumb with some of my co-workers/friends.

Making the need is done everywhere in business and it's ok as long as the public accepts it. We, the hunting public on the whole, don't accept this and that I'm sure we agrgee upon. Don't Gun companies do it, make the need, all the time when they come out with another caliber. There is no difference. NO?

I'm sorry but I can't beat everyone up, like them specifically or not, for jumping onboard of this non-real hunting. As sick as it may be.

Trust me, I have many choice words for how sick it is.

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!



Is there a GAG ORDER in place, or is it they are staying neutral ???

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Be assured, Realtree is against this.

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Hey Steve, this would be a GREAT question on the front page! "Do you agree with what the WHA is doing?" or "What are your feelings about the WHA and their sponsors?"

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Re: More On World Hunt Association!


...Making the need is done everywhere in business and it's ok as long as the public accepts it.

We, the hunting public on the whole, don't accept this and that I'm sure we agree upon....

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True...For businesses it can be a way of making money in a marketplace that already is flooded with products. Competition for the Hunting Market dollar is already fierce to say the least.

I wonder if this WHA guy ever did any market research on this?

I'm betting that if he did he only researched the sponsorship side of it. He probably was able to see the potential for profit from advertising.

Without regard for the mainstay and majority of the entire industries financial base, You and Me and the rest of the majority of hunters, this could change our tradition as we know it.

If this had the chance of making our tradition more sound in the future I'm sure it would garner more support from the majority.

It does not look like thats happening!

The founder of the WHA has done something that truely is a rarity in business:

Market Research...Either by Design or Inadvertantly he got it for free.

There are so many people who not only see this venture possibly changing their lives that they're speaking up about it...they've even taken action in an attempt to protect what they've come to love.

For most of us our input into this hunting industry comes from our wallets. We often dont see that as effectively making much of a difference in the overall picture...but we are so wrong!

It's the loudest voice heard acrossed the boardroom tables!!!

Acrossed the Hunting Community people are reacting to this in many different ways.

Some from trying to ignore it hoping it will go away to actively communicating and standing in protection of their sport the way they want to keep it.

Everyone will do what they feel comfortable doing in a way that they feel speaks their mind on the subject.

My concern is those who speak or do they even mind what happens???

I cant see this discussion as "Doing the Anti's work for them"...we're simply doing, in many different ways, what each of us feel will protect our tradition of hunting.

Could our Tradition die some day...absolutely.

I personally cant lay down and let that happen by Apathy.

If there's any battle we face as a community of varying likes and dislikes it is one of Unity.

We may not become unified on a course of action...but truely I hope we become active in the protection of our Tradition. Just doing it ...wont protect it.

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