My typical luck...


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Nothing but BAD LUCK ... man nothing suprises me anymore... frown.gifcrazy.gif

Yesterday, I tear the front end of my truck apart getting it ready to change the brake pads and rotors,, I set out all of the parts, and realize the pads don't have any retention clips installed on them or included in the box.... crazy.gif,, so now I have to stop everything and drive 25 miles to the parts store and get order to finish the job... mad.gif

In October Im heading to Colorado for the great Elk hunt with some of the forum members,,, and it was suggested by Steve B. that I bring along my .270 for some varmit hunting.... So this morning I pull out my gun case and GUESS WHAT,,, the dang thing isn't airline approved... frown.giffrown.gif and there's NO way the wife is going to let me spend the funds on one that is... frown.giffrown.gif

I'm telling ya folks if it weren't for BAD LUCK,, I wouldn't have any at all..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Anyone out there ever feel this way ?? Just like you can't ever catch a darn break no matter what you try....

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Re: My typical luck...


Why isn't airline approved? I have never heard of that. A rifle is a rifle?

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I'm pretty sure what Luke is saying is that the hard case his gun is in isn't airline approved, not the rifle itself. I had to read it twice too. The first time I took it the same way you

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