I survived!


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Oh man I think I am hooked guys. I drawed a bull called Wildcat with the Ward Rodeo Company and was the third rider lastnight! Right outta the chute this beast comes turning a hundred miles an hour to the right. Luckily for me I caught up with him and stuck him out right to the buzzer at which point he sent me sailing off his back. I landed on my back but it wasn't too bad. I rode him for 72 points and good enough for a 7th place finish. I won 137 bucks! The pics didn't turn out at all, but there was a photographer there and I ordered some. You outta see my face in the one right out of the chute lol.....it's priceless! And guess what.....the Wetumka rodeo is in three weeks and I think I am gonna do it again!

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Re: I survived!

You are young and obviously not too terribly bright laugh.gif.....so let me give you some goodhearted advice. Life is fragile and short. There are people who would be heartbroken if you were gone.

Lastly, no one that took themselves out doing something stupid like (insert stupid activity here: sky diving, running from cops, base jumping, bungee juimping, and BULL RIDING) ever said to themselves...."self, it looks like a good day to go get killed or maimed for life today". It always happens to someone else. Almost eveyone that is killed doing something dumb had plans for later that day!

Glad you are okay and that you didn't get hurt, but I hear that getting your boys stomped or your ribs gored by an angry *constricted* 1,500 pound bull hurts quite a bit!

JMHO, but I think I would take that successful ride and revel in it. There is a law out there (law of perpetuities?) that says the longer you do something successfully, the greater the chances of doing it unsuccessfully.


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Re: I survived!


That may be true new, but your gonna die when it's your time, regardless of what your doing....thats how I live my life anyways. But I do understand what ya mean.

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He he he, I am just busting on you! Although, I would hate to see you get maimed and it does happen a lot.

While I believe that your ultimate day of reconing is definitely known by God, I am certain there are things you can do to shorten your life beyond what God intended....eating an all fat diet, not exercising, oh...ridiing BULLS laugh.gif.

Anyway, be safe and if you are going to try this insane idea again, would you at least wear a helmet and a vest?


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