Alabama deer ?????


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Was watching a show today and the guy was hunting in Alabama on Jan. 28th............ said it was "the peak of the rut". So, if the peak of our rut here in PA is 2 months before that and our fawns are born in May & June..........are Alabama fawns born in July & August??????

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Re: Alabama deer ?????

Yep, they would have some late born fawns. After watching a little guy probably a week or less old Sunday while out on the tractor, I was figuring we must have had some does come in in December here. Our peak rut activity usually hits around the 3rd week of November.

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Re: Alabama deer ?????

Found this out on the Net:

QUESTION: Since you live in Alabama where the deer season runs through the end of January, when does the rut take place?

ANSWER: You'll see signs of the rut in this west/central part of the state as early as December 20th to 25th each year. The peak is around January 15 in Sumter County where I live. The farther and north you go in Alabama, the peak comes earlier.

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Re: Alabama deer ?????

Here in the Northeastern part of Alabama, our rut usually occurrs in late Dec or early Jan. I usually kill my biggest bucks during the week between Christmas and New Year's. Here's an example: I rattled this big boy up on Dec 30th. He came sneaking in searching for a fight.


I killed another one a few days later and then this one a few weeks later.


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Re: Alabama deer ?????

Does bred in November will drop in June. Does bred in December will drop in July.

In some parts of AL, the ruts is in November and December. In other parts (south) the first rut is in late December with the peak 2nd rut being in January and in extreme southern AL, the first rut is in late January.

In NW AL, they start in November and I have seen bucks chasing in Marshall CO, AL in late November but most in mid-late December. I'm guessing the first rut is not very noticable due to badly skewed buck:doe ratios, which makes the 2nd rut more visable.

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Re: Alabama deer ?????


Yep, they would have some late born fawns. After watching a little guy probably a week or less old Sunday while out on the tractor, I was figuring we must have had some does come in in December here. Our peak rut activity usually hits around the 3rd week of November.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats about when ours is.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Alabama deer ?????

Nice bucks Huntn4bucks!

The answer to the question has already been given.

Now let's see how many beat me to it.

Today I say yearling that that must have been just over 80 lbs live weight. That must have been a late fawn last year and just squeeked by this winter. Good thing it was a very mind winter.

Sorry for the tangent.

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Re: Alabama deer ?????

Yes it is that crazy here. Several reasons:

1. large deer population

2. unbalanced buck:doe ratio

3.people not taking advantage of the liberal bag limits in a positive way. What I mean is...we are allowed 2 deer a day from Oct. 15 - Jan. 31 only 1 of which can be an antlered deer. That means you could legally shoot 2 does a day for 108 days. now I'm not suggesting anybody in their right mind would do this, but we all know the guy that will watch does all day & then shoot the first yearling spike that steps out. I'm the point...just ranting.

I have seen a spotted fawn on Jan. 28 & we have video while turkey hunting of a Really nice buck chasing does in an open field in early APRIL!!!

You guys that live in the Kansas's, Iowa's, Illinois's, etc. of the world just don't know how well you have it when it comes to deer hunting.

To have a rut that you can actually plan on every year & then be able to see actual rutting activity...a guy can dream can't he?

with all that said...I still wouldn't trade living here in the great state of ALABAMA for anything.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Alabama deer ?????

Florida's rut is the same as Bama's. However...........we tend to see spotted fawns really early and on in to late summer too.

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Guest Hintz

Re: Alabama deer ?????


Here in the Northeastern part of Alabama, our rut usually occurrs in late Dec or early Jan. I usually kill my biggest bucks during the week between Christmas and New Year's. Here's an example: I rattled this big boy up on Dec 30th. He came sneaking in searching for a fight.


I killed another one a few days later and then this one a few weeks later.


[/ QUOTE ]what county are you hunting in?

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Re: Alabama deer ?????

There are spotted fawns in the woods in Alabama almost year round. Where I hunt in Russell Co, you hardly see any rutting activity because it's so spread out. I agree with huntn4bucks that the end of December beginning of January is the best time.

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Re: Alabama deer ?????

Here's a copy of a map that I pulled of the MS state wildlife site. It shows the mean breeding date windows color coded. Basically the mean breeding date here ranges from around December 7th to as late as the first week in February.


Where I do most of my hunting the mean breeding date (according to the state's map) is around January 1st or 2nd. I've noticed that the chase phase of the rut usually starts close to December 20th.

To answer Strut's question....our fawns usually start dropping in late June through mid July but I have seen fawns as early as late May before. Obviously there are some exceptions when a few does might get bred in November but that is an exception to the norm for here. A friend of mine once killed a mature buck that was one of two chasing a doe during the Thankgsgiving holiday period. Probably better than half of the bucks killed on our club are taken between December 20th and January 6th.

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