New York Times


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I will try to keep this as impartial as I can so it doesn't get moved to the politico forums.

I am sure that most of you probably have no clue just exactly what the New York Times did to our Country this week. Most people are oblivious to current events so let me fill you in.

The United States Government has a program in place to track messages and wire transfers. The effort was to cut off the lifeblood of Al Qaeda....the money. No money and Al Qaeda is back to throwing stones at tanks like the Palestinians. 9/11 could not have been pulled out without significant money changing hands. We have been monitoring these wire transfers and associated messages in an effort to root out Al Qaeda and also to seize their funds.

The New York Times has been talking to the Bush Administration for quite some time about a story they were going to run about the program. The Administration has been telling them about it, how important it is, safeguards put in place to avoid abuse, and MOST IMPORTANTLY that it was both legal and that the Congress had been briefed about it. They personally appealed to the editors of the New York Times and then asked them not to publish it.

Of course, the NYT published it....United States be ****$#.

The stuff has hit the fan and now the NYT says "well, the terrorists know about this already and have already changed their methods" or "the Administration half-heartedly asked us not to publish it". In fact, the NYT buried the backlash in something like paragraph 9 of a story on A12. I point you to a letter to the Editors of the NYT that Secretary Snow wrote talking about the BS excuses and damage control the NYT is trying to put forth:

What I want to know is when did it become 'okay' to undermine your Country because you don't like whoever is holding office? If President Clinton was still in office, the NYT would have spiked this story.

This is shameful folks. I know we have a lot of New Yorkers in this forum and I thought you should be aware of what this treasonous paper was doing.


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Re: New York Times

I'm with you all the way on this one New. The liberal media has become so irresponsible it's not even funny. "Treasonous" was the correct adjective to use. Along the same line of irresponsibility, I'm sure you probably saw this cartoon which ran in your hometown paper recently. mad.gif


How disgusting is this, at any time, but especially right on the heels of two of our boys getting butchered in Iraq last week. It makes me sick.

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Re: New York Times


I wish I had your positive outlook. I think it is much more sinister than that.

Just as McCarthy believed there were Communists in the government in the 40's and 50's, I think there are people in our governement (elected and not as in the State Department, etc) that are rooting for the other side. The same goes for the media.

If this happend when Clinton was in office via Fox News, it would grace the front pages of every paper for months or longer. Now, you can't even find it. Yet you let something regarding Karl Rove and Valerie Plame make news and despite being no national security issue at all (she was already outted by her own husband) the Democrats and papers will run with it. Yet someone leaks the methods we use to cut off terror funding TO THE ENEMY and the Democrats are silent. Valerie Plame getting outted now that puts us all at risk......leaking how we follow Al Qaeda (are presumably how cells inside the US would get their operating funds and did get their funds for 9/11) and "nah, that didn't harm America at all.....". Scandalous!

I tell you folks, it isn't enough that we are fighting terrorists now we gotta fight our own Senators and media who would harm the US just to see the other party harmed.


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Re: New York Times


I'm with you all the way on this one New. The liberal media has become so irresponsible it's not even funny. "Treasonous" was the correct adjective to use. Along the same line of irresponsibility, I'm sure you probably saw this cartoon which ran in your hometown paper recently. mad.gif


How disgusting is this, at any time, but especially right on the heels of two of our boys getting butchered in Iraq last week. It makes me sick.

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Mike Luckovich is an absolute disgrace, he has a history of this garbage. My wife just quit work and wanted ot get the AJC at the grocery store for the coupons on Sunday and I had a fit. I told her that if I had to get two more jobs, I wouldn't support that paper.

What a disgrace....don't get me started on this guy. If he were my neighbor, I would be in jail right now!

The problem is that we are so busy with American Idol and even....gulp....hunting on our minds as well as everything else that people like many of our Senators are using our slumber to harm our Country.

This leak isn't Republican or Democrat, it hurts us ALL. Write your Senators and Reps and DEMAND an investigation.


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Re: New York Times

So new you are suggesting then that someone with the nyt and within the govt has an anti American sentiment and is attempting to aid the terorists.

I have to agree with vagobblin here that this should be treated as treasonous and all those responsible (newspaper and government)should be dealt with as such.

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Guest woodsnwater

Re: New York Times

They always use the excuse "They new about anyway" HOGWASH!!! This is about as low as it gets. It is IMO treason. I say prosecute whomever brought this public. It's all polotically motivated and typical of their paper. BOYCOTT the paper. Sorry for the rant.

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Re: New York Times


So new you are suggesting then that someone with the nyt and within the govt has an anti American sentiment and is attempting to aid the terorists.

I have to agree with vagobblin here that this should be treated as treasonous and all those responsible (newspaper and government)should be dealt with as such.

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It is really hard to say.....I certainly think that there are anti-Capitalists infiltrating our government. That is certain. Now as to whether this mole in the government and the NYT are anti-American or just hate the President so much they are willing to sacrifice another terrorist stike to achieve their will? Who knows the heart of a man?

All I can tell you is that it used to be "America first". Now it seems like the media (most of it anyway) and many of our elected leaders would take another 9/11 if it meant regaining control over the Senate and the House.

I look at today's political landscape and I see Senators willing to cut our Country's throat by exposing how we track Al Qaeda's money and how we monitor their communications. So they are telling Al Qaeda exactly how NOT TO GET CAUGHT. In the days of our Founding Fathers, these traders would have been hung!


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Guest Andrea

Re: New York Times

Well, you say the NYT was talking to the "Bush Administration". Is it just me, or does it seem funny that you would discuss ANYTHING like that with the media?????

If it were a leak, that's one thing. But if the whole administration were involved in sharing this info......then they got what they asked for. Right?

When will people learn that the media can NOT be trusted??

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Re: New York Times


You bring up a good point. My understanding is that the NYT approached the White House for a comment before running the story and was told not to run it. In an effort to explain why running the story would hurt the United States, the administration explained portions of the story. The NYT gave the US citizens and the White House the proverbial finger!

However, I would ban the NYT and the LA Times reporters from the White House grounds and never answer another question of theirs again. That's just me but I would have already bombed Iran and North Korea take it for what it's worth! laugh.gif


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Guest woodsnwater

Re: New York Times



You bring up a good point. My understanding is that the NYT approached the White House for a comment before running the story and was told not to run it. In an effort to explain why running the story would hurt the United States, the administration explained portions of the story. The NYT gave the US citizens and the White House the proverbial finger!

However, I would ban the NYT and the LA Times reporters from the White House grounds and never answer another question of theirs again. That's just me but I would have already bombed Iran and North Korea take it for what it's worth! laugh.gif


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I like the way you think!!! You got my vote.

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Re: New York Times

This entire story makes no sense really, I mean this has been no secret, well maybe the how part was a secret, but the intents was certainly no secret. The news has been reporting since shortly after 9/11 that we were attempting to cut off al qaedas money. The President himself if I am not mistaken told the American people not once, but on multiple occasions on national aired television that we were squeezing their money or at least attempting to. So al qaeda had to know we were trying to cut them off. Really shouldnt be a great big surprise that someone hadnt found out how we were tracking their money before now. Just too many cut throat non patriotic idiots in this country for something like this to not get where it shouldnt. However all that said, I do agree with you that the the NYT should be punished, in my opinion shut down until they can find and prosecute those responsible for this treasonous act.

Whatever stupified moron from the white house leaked this needs to be locked up too.

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Re: New York Times


Chances are it wasn't from the White House. Probably more likely the CIA or the State Department, which do not transition when controlling parties change hands. So these organizations are filled with many people who have various agendas.

Whoever did it should be in prison.

While no, it isn't a secret that we are trying to get their money....the means by which we do it is a secret. Just because most people know it doesn't mean it won't snare the next 9/11 militants who make a mistake.


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Re: New York Times


Whoever did it should be in prison.

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Yep, absolutely, whether from the white house, the fbi or where ever.

Think those men they caught here recently were on their way to another terrorist attack similar to 9/11.

Surely our government has enough talented folks that someone will come up with another method for acquiring or tracking their money.

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Re: New York Times

Let's put it in this context:

I work for the State department and am caught by an FBI sting giving an Al Qaeda information on how the US is tracking their money transactions. What am I charged with and how long will I miss the light of day? Probably spying or treason and a long long time are the answers.

So what is the difference here? The NYT alerted ALL terrorists (Al Qaeda and perhaps home grown idiots like the Miami morons that may have, in fact, not known how we are tracking money).

Ah well, maybe the next attack will land a building on the NYT !


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Re: New York Times

The thing that gets me is that the NYT did this despite numerous and very pointed, substantive discussions with the administration about why they shouldn't disclose it.

Yet they went on and did it anyway.

I don't get it and I don't understand why the President isn't calling a special Prosecutor to put these thugs in jail. If I let out the same, top secret information myself, I wouldn't get away with it.


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Guest Andrea

Re: New York Times

Listening to the news on the tv behind me.....there are several senators calling for revokation of all press tags on Capitol Hill for the NYT. Also charging them with treason. smile.gif

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Re: New York Times


Listening to the news on the tv behind me.....there are several senators calling for revokation of all press tags on Capitol Hill for the NYT. Also charging them with treason. smile.gif

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Sounds like a step in the right direction right there, lets just cross our fingers and hope they actually follow through.

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Re: New York Times

The NY Times, and to a certain extent most of the rest of the mainstream media, consider themselves and their duty to "get the news out" so important that they will gladly ignore issues of national security if they think they have a story that the public is unaware of. It's their egotistical, arrogant, self important attitude that's the problem. They frankly see themselves and their jobs as being above the law.

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