Tred Barta


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Well, I just watched the 4th Tred Barta show, and I still am having a problem coming up with an opinion of the guy and his show.

He does have a personality that kind of grates on me, but his attitudes and methods certainly do make for entertaining TV. He appears to be the Rush Limbaugh of hunting. He has set some pretty tough standards for himself as far as hunting "the hard way", and I applaud that, but he has also set himself up in a position where if he doesn't really live up to those standards (All the time!), just like Limbaugh, he will become yesterday's news.

His style of hunting seems to be something a person could admire a bit, but I'm not sure whether he is portraying a positive picture of hunting or not.

This week, he did publicly televised a situation where he wounded and lost a mule deer. It wasn't nice to see this admitted on TV, however, as a hunter, I do recognize that this does happen, and to try to hide the fact would seem to be a bit dishonest. So, did the inclusion of that segment add enough honesty to over-ride the negative portrayal of hunting? Who knows!

One thing I will say about his show is that it certainly is not the same ol' tired format that is used on all the other deer hunting shows. He certainly is unique. But, at this point, my judgement of his show could go either way.


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Re: Tred Barta

I agree. Seems like his show could help and/or hurt hunting, but is honest.

I think I like that but makes me worried about it giving the wrong message to the wrong people...

Hunters will appreciate it for what it is but antis will try and use it as fuel...

I am 50:50 too but do enjoy his personality... LOL

Scrap dirt in his hair! Dont let HS Scents get that idea or we all will be shampoo-ing with dirt soon... LOL

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Re: Tred Barta

I really like the idea of his traditional equipment bowhunts. Even though I do not currently hunt this way myself, it does remind me of what archery used to be when I first started. I also have to have some level of admiration for someone who appears not to be taking any short-cuts.

That said, why does he have to come off with such an air of arrogance? For me, that really adds nothing to what otherwise could be a pretty entertaining hunting program.

Another small nit-picky complaint that I have is the "herky-jerky" camera work. A lot of special effects are used which are a distraction rather than an enhancement. It actually starts to irritate me in a very short time.

They sure do a lot of good and innovative things on that program, but I think I have real problems with his "Rush Limbaugh/Ted Nugent" type of approach.

I'll probably continue watching it for a bit more just to see how it all evolves.

By the way, for the one who asked where the program is televised, I watch it on OLN on Friday nights at 9:00 pm.


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