What are you doing 4th of july


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What are you going to do?

On the 4th ill be at a big block picnic that has been going on for almost 47 years i think. My grandpa and all the people on the street started it when they first moved there and built there houses and its gone on since. We have been written up in the paper before for a block party. Its pretty fun play volleyball and let off fireworks and eat some good hamburgers and hotdogs. There are around 6 generations that come to this now.

Then later in the week we think we might go to North Bend and go camping. grin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: What are you doing 4th of july

Well, this weekend we will be cooking out, going fishing/water-skiing and ridin' the 4-wheelers.

Then on the 4th we will take the kids to see the fireworks in town. smile.gif


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Re: What are you doing 4th of july

Couple of things.....

Saturday, laying around in the pool and grilling.

Sunday, Church, laying around in the pool, grilling, church again.

Monday, laying around in the pool and grilling.

Tuesday, a local guy is a multi millionaire. About 3 miles from the house he built a large pond to race boats on (its been on espn several times, he also helps fun the Chouteau Bend races). Anyway, every year he throws a HUGE bash. He brings in tons and tons of food, has live music, games, etc. Then he spends 20,000-40,000 in professional grade fireworks. As soon as dark thirty hits they fire up an amazing show over the lake he built. We sit right on the water. The reflection is amazing.....

Then its off to the house to bed.....

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Re: What are you doing 4th of july

My Army buddy that is about to retire is here looking for land to purchase, so that will be on the task list for Sat

Sunday, go to lake

Monday, fish fry, with friends, neighbors, shoot off fireworks weather permitting, (dryness)

Tuesday recoup

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Re: What are you doing 4th of july

be at my brothers buddies dads house doing our annual firework show, my bro, me and, few of his friends every year we all chip in and spend like prolly 5k on fireworks, we buy commercial grade fireworks and put on a nice big show for all friends and family, technically were not doing it on the fourth its actually tomorrow but its pretty much the 4th of july celebration for us

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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)

Re: What are you doing 4th of july

Going to my Parents house in Steamboat Springs. Going to hike into the Mount Zirkel Wilderness and catch some trout.

Maybe run over a couple of Rainbow Family Members on the way.


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Re: What are you doing 4th of july

Celebrating our independence from the tyrannical rule of those darn Brittish Imperialists and that tyrant King George. grin.gif

Actually the oldest boy will be marching in the local parade with his cub scout pack, then we'll hang out in the neghborhood park, the kids will get a free pony ride and some frozen treats off the ice cream truck. Then we'll most likely hang about the house until the BIG fireworks show that evening.

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Guest woodsnwater

Re: What are you doing 4th of july

Spending some quality time with my son. This is his last weekend home before he leaves for college. Everyone be safe and have a good 4th.

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