Tag's keep going up

Guest nontypical8

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Guest nontypical8

I don’t know where you guys lived but here in Kansas deer tags just keep going up every single year, real soon I don’t know if I can afford hunting anymore last year it was around $40 dollars and for a nonresident it is 300 plus. this is crazy, but to tell you the truth what bothers me the most is that I really don’t seen any improvements of any kiand being made around the parks or hunting areas I really will like to know were all that money is being use????? All this question and so little time.

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Re: Tag\'s keep going up

We have a $10. Habitat tag that we have to purchase

before we can buy any kind of tag then its $33 across the board for Moose, Elk and Whitetail, Draw tags are more $55 Elk & Moose $38 for Mulies& Anteope. Anterless deer tags are$20. Bears $17.

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Guest bcase04

Re: Tag\'s keep going up

I guess in a way I'm lucky here in SC. I just bought the new license yesterday. $25 for fishing, hunting, big game, and 5 turkey tags. I would rather pay $24 for one of those Ohio studs though. Gotta cousin that has invited me to come up to Licking Co. this year.

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Re: Tag\'s keep going up


$70 something here....

[/ QUOTE ]

Super Sportsman License:


All the privileges that apply to fishing, small game, big game, bowhunting and muzzleloading licenses and a turkey permit.



...and people complain about $40??????? confused.gif

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Guest bcase04

Re: Tag\'s keep going up

I've been to Licking Co. a lot over the years. If you compare those "puny" deer up there to these beagles I gotta shoot down in SC, you would be glad to come up there and shoot "puny" deer. LOL. When should I come up there? He told me anytime I wanted to.

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Re: Tag\'s keep going up



$70 something here....

[/ QUOTE ]

Super Sportsman License:


All the privileges that apply to fishing, small game, big game, bowhunting and muzzleloading licenses and a turkey permit.



...and people complain about $40??????? confused.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

The extra two bucks was the half gallon of gas it would take me to drive my 2500HD 4 miles to buy the license... blush.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Tag\'s keep going up

55 for a double tag buck and doe here

45 for just a buck and 15 for just a skin head. I really don't mind. I'd like to see the price of tags go up more yet. I figure if the prices keep going up the less tags people will buy and I can actually improve my odds of drawing. I have better luck drawing out of state than I do right here at home.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Tag\'s keep going up

Wow...sounds like yall are getting off alright. Our sportsmen here in TN is $131 (went up 30 this year) and my license in GA is 60+ (dont know if I will get that one this year). I wish I was in Ohio sounds like a deal for nonresidents. I got permission to hunt land in IL but it will be over $400 just for the tag!

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Guest codyam

Re: Tag\'s keep going up

$60 in Ga is for a sportmans liscense but it cover all hunting and fishing liscenses need for one year the only exception is the fed duck stamp. when u purchase a liscense here the tags are printed with the liscense at no extra cost.

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Re: Tag\'s keep going up

Gentlemen...you must petition your game commission to institute lifetime hunting licenses in your state, and buy them. That way you will be insulated from future price increases( if that is you are financially able to do it). My 2 oldest boys recieved lifetime sportsman licenses when they completed thier hunter ed and archery course when they turned 12 years old. My youngest son(9) will get one too once he takes his courses. I also have a lifetime archery license in NYS, in addition to the Lifetime sportsman license, it has already paid for itself in the 11 or so years that i have had it. It amortizes real quick with the way tags go up each year.

Look into it...

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